Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Carlos Tevez Talks AC Milan Re-enter

AC Milan have reopened negotiations over a dramatic late swoop for Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez and the long-running saga of Tevez's future had appeared set to continue until the summer following a frustrating month for City in their attempts to part with in the striker.

A number of potential suitors have emerged only to apparently drop their interest at a later date, with Paris St Germain and Inter Milan switching their focus to the AC Milan's pursuit of the Argentine also seemed to be at an end when they completed the signing over the weekend of Maxi Lopez to had been lined up as an alternative option if Tevez did not arrive.

The vice-president Adriano Galliani left the door open for a last-minute move on Monday as he refused to rule out the possibility of a surprise switch it is now understood that Milan have re-entered talks with Tevez's representatives ahead of Tuesday's 11pm deadlineis still a lot of work for the Rossoneri to do to finalise his capture and change of heart from one of the clubs over the terms of a deal.

A Manchester City have always maintained that they want to sell the 27-year-old to Milan had previously been keen to sign him on loan with a view to making the arrangement permanent in the summer to play milan may not be the only option for Tevez at this late stage to ambitious Russian side Anzhi Makhachkala also still thought to be interested.

Wat gebeurt er met je als je 10x per week seks hebt met een geweldig mooie vrouw?

Melissa Satta
Wat gebeurt er met je als je 10x per week seks hebt met een geweldig mooie vrouw? Dat moeten we eens aan AC Milan-speler Kevin-Prince Boateng vragen. Zijn vriendin, de superlekkere Melissa Satta heeft gemeld dat Boateng geblesseerd is omdat ze 9-10 keer per week seks hebben.

Ik dacht dat dat voor zijn conditie prima zou zijn, maar seks met zo'n vrouw is gevaarlijker dan je zou denken. Iemand een idee van de standjes die deze vrouw graag doet? Want blijkbaar moet je daarmee uitkijken. Wat voor soort blessure Boateng heeft is mij niet bekend.

Als Boateng te geblesseerd is om zijn vriendin te nemen, wil ik wel voor hem invallen ;-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wil je niet wisselen van energieleverancier maar wil je wel minder betalen? Lees hier hoe dat kan.

Bespaar op je energierekening

Wil je niet wisselen van energieleverancier maar wil je wel minder betalen? Lees hier hoe dat kan.

Veel mensen die lezen over het wisselen van energieleverancier twijfelen. Vaak omdat ze dat een gedoe vinden. Of omdat ze denken dat het uiteindelijk toch niet zo veel oplevert als dat voorgespiegeld werd. Of omdat ze met maar een partij te maken willen hebben. Vooral als er problemen ontstaan is het prettig dat je met een bedrijf te maken hebt en dat je niet van het kastje naar de muur wordt gestuurd.

Aan de andere kant, denken ze vaak toch ook aan het vele geld dat ze zouden kunnen besparen door over te stappen. Vandaag staat er op de telegraaf een artikel dat laat zien hoe je toch minder kunt betalen voor gas en elektra en gewoon bij dezelfde leverancier kunt blijven.

Het ligt misschien heel erg voor de hand, maar je kunt zuiniger omgaan met gas en licht.

Daarnaast kun je nog iets doen wat Nederlanders misschien niet zo snel doen. Dat is uw huidige energiebedrijf op te bellen en te vragen om korting. Als u bereid bent klant te blijven voor een bepaalde periode, zou uw gas- en stroomaanbieder daarvoor iets over moeten hebben. Wanneer u trouwens uw energietarieven wilt vastzetten, doe dit dan maximaal voor een jaa

Art Attack: April 2012's Coolest Covers

-I included more covers this month from Dark Horse and Image than I ever have before. Will that incline me to sample their product more? I gotta say, it might. In particular, stuff like Prophet and the other Extreme Studios books are really grabbing my attention on visuals. Ditto New Deadwardians (Dan Abnett doesn't hurt there either). We shall see...

-I also included a lot of Avengers Art Appreciation variants and probably could have thrown a few more in there. I love seeing guys and girls cut loose with the Art Appreciation concept, the weirder the better, with icons I love being twisted and jumbled. In particular, Charles Paul Wilson III's adorable Incredible Hulk piece is precious and John Tyler Christopher's fine art Black Widow on Winter Soldier stands out.

-A lot of very scary covers too. Travel Foreman has really found a visceral groove on Animal Man, and the BPRD images are pretty terrifying; in particular, Becky Cloonan's Pickens County Horror is seriously grossing me out. For real, it's making me uncomfortable.

-There's nothing left to say about Marcos Martin's Daredevil covers. If there were, it would be a steady line of superlatives.

-Mike Deodato's New Avengers cover looks like Mike Deodato but not, y'know? It's got his signature stuff, but he's stretching, which is always appreciated. He does draw a kick ass Iron Fist.

-Alan Davis, man. I can never get enough.

-Love the shout out to Static's original look on Khary Randolph's Static Shock cover. That's an awesome little touch.

THE ACTIVITY #5 by Mitch Gerads
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #682 by Mike Del Mundo
AMERICA'S GOT POWERS #1 by Bryan Hitch
ANGEL & FAITH #9 by Rebekah Isaacs
ANIMAL MAN #8 by Travel Foreman
CONAN THE BARBARIAN #3 by John Paul Leon
CREEPY COMICS #8 by Richard Corben
DAREDEVIL #11 by Marcos Martin
DARK HORSE PRESENTS #11 by Tonci Zonjic
DEADPOOL #53 by Dave Johnson
FATALE #4 by Sean Phillips
THE FLASH #8 by Francis Manapul
THE GOON #39 by Eric Powell
HAUNT #25 by Nathan Fox
I, VAMPIRE #8 by Andrea Sorrentino
INCREDIBLE HULK #7 by Charles Paul Wilson III
iZOMBIE #24 by Mike Allred
MOON KNIGHT #12 by Alex Maleev
NEW AVENGERS #25 by Mike Deodato
NEW MUTANTS #40 by Kris Anka
PROPHET #24 by Giannis Milonogiannis
RESURRECTION MAN #8 by Rafael Albuquerque
SAVAGE DRAGON #181 by Erik Larsen
SECRET AVENGERS #26 by Alan Davis
STATIC SHOCK #8 by Khary Randolph
SUPERGIRL #8 by George Perez
UNCANNY X-FORCE #24 by Phil Noto
WINTER SOLDIER #4 by John Tyler Christopher
WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN #9 by Chris Bachalo
X-CLUB #5 by Rodin Esquejo

Barcelona's Victor Valdes Admits.

Barcelona's Victor Valdes admits to we have no more room for error in La Liga for the Catalans are now seven points behind Real Madrid at the top of the table following Saturday night's disappointing 0-0 draw with Villarreal at El Madrigal.

The Victor Valdes believes Barcelona must win all 18 of their remaining fixtures if they are to have any chance of holding on to their La Liga crown in the Catalans are now seven points behind leaders Real Madrid after their dismal 0-0 draw with Villarreal at El Madrigal and the Spain goalkeeper admits that Pep Guardiola's men are now in a precarious position.

"We have no more room for error," Valdes is quoted as saying by Sport to we have dropped two important points against Villarreal have to win all the points that remain in that is what you get of a we want to fight for the league in can not fail anymore because there is a rival in front of us that is very strong."

A Trying to work out the reasons behind Barca's inconsistent form of late, particularly on the road, Valdes believes that fatigue has become an issue for a side which travelled to Japan for the Club World Cup in December and the injuries can never be used as excuses," he argued to would be small team that does that. There is enough in strength in depth to deal with all of the games.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Ik draag niets onder mijn jurk". Sofia Vergara ziet er zonder ondergoed ook geweldig uit! Bekijk hier haar geweldig grote pluspunten

Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara ziet er zonder ondergoed ook geweldig uit! Bekijk hier haar geweldig grote pluspunten. Sofia Vergara is een van de meest gewilde dames van Hollywood. Gewoon omdat ze precies is wat elke man lekker vind.
-Sofia Vergara is een mooie vrouw met ronde vormen.
-Sofia Vergara is echt een wulpse dame.
-Sofia Vergara is moeder van een puber, maar daarmee ook meteen een van de best scorende MILF's
-Sofia Vergara is sinds kort weer vrijgezel. Sofia Vergara heeft haar verkering uitgemaakt. Er is hoop!
-Sofia Vergara is lekker!
De lekkere Sofia Vergara

Spannende Sofia Vergara

Wulpse Sofia Vergara

Natuurlijk moet er iets aan de hypotheekrente aftrek gebeuren. Het is een oneerlijke belasting maatregel, hoe meer je verdient, hoe meer de aftrek is.

Natuurlijk moet er iets aan de hypotheekrente aftrek gebeuren 

Natuurlijk moet er iets aan de hypotheekrente aftrek gebeuren. Het is een oneerlijke belasting maatregel, hoe meer je verdient, hoe meer de aftrek is. Zelfs procentueel. En dat moet veranderen. Maar die verandering stuit op heel veel weerstand omdat de meeste mensen die daarover gaan, ZELF voordeel hebben bij een hoge hypotheekrente aftrek.
Er zal iets aan de hypotheekrente aftrek moeten gebeuren

Een andere reden is dat de private schuld een relatief grote omvang heeft en dat maakt Nederland kwetsbaar, zeker in een tijd waarin de huizenprijzen dalen en onzekerheden rond werk en inkomen toenemen. Dat zegt Gerritse van de AFM.

De hypotheekrenteaftrek draagt bij aan die hoge private schuld doordat de overheid het zo makkelijker en goedkoper maakt voor burgers om geld te lenen voor de aanschaf van een woning.
Afschaffing of beperking van de hypotheekrenteaftrek ligt echter zeer gevoelig, mede omdat alleen al erover praten de markt onrustig zou maken. Gerritse vindt dat het kabinet het taboe moet doorbreken. ,,Ik denk dat het een illusie is om te denken dat je bijdraagt aan rust door een probleem maar te verzwijgen'', zei hij. Het kabinet kan volgens hem beter duidelijkheid verschaffen.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kevin & Robin Watch "Skins" Series 6: "Everyone"

Taking a cue from my fellow Bloggers, I decided to start a new weekly feature where every week my buddy Robin Wildman and I take a look at the latest episode of "Skins" and offer our extensive and insightful (ha!) fan perspective! This week, the premiere episode of Series 6! What have our favorite characters been up to during the break? Who hooked up with who? And how does it relate to '90s Board Games? Find out below as Kevin & Robin watch "Skins" Series 6, "Everyone!"

So, opening off the bat here, I've got to say that I am officially on team Maloysius! That's Mini/Alo shipping to you new comers. I know you must be very excited about that. I was a pretty big Minky supporter by the end of last season, mostly because a) I wanted Franky to get with someone and b) I thought Mini's protectiveness was kind of adorable. I really liked the idea of Mini pulling a 180 on a character she totally brutalized in the season premiere. But within ten minutes of this episode, I was definitely behind Mini and Alo getting together. Especially since Alo got pretty much zero love last season. He was well on the way to getting Anwar'ed. But their interactions (ever since he called her Minerva) have been delightfully hilarious.

Robin: I have been shipping Mini and Alo FOREVER. My "Skins"-obsessed roommate tells me the internet is upset that they got together too suddenly, to which I say, pay better attention, internet. There were signs, and you missed them. Keep up.

Kevin: Speaking of Mini, I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I've really grown to like that character. Like, I always enjoyed her early on, but as the first season went continued and then with the Series 6 premiere, I just think she's great. I can't even really pinpoint what it is. There's something about her. She has that kind of bitchiness to her that I tend to gravitate toward (yes, I have problems), but an underlying sweetness--well, her own brand of sweetness. It could also very well be that she kind of reminds me of Karen Gillen. I'm not the only one getting that, am I?

Robin: I also am a big Mini fan. I always liked that she was really insecure about sex (though I guess, not anymore?), because most of the "Skins" kids are way more confident than people actually are at that age. Also she had the best line of the episode, something about liking Franky better when she might have been a lesbian. But for the record, I don't really see the Karen Gillian thing. Maybe you connect them because both are Scottish?

Kevin: Yes, all Scottish women are the same to me. In that I love every single one of them.

Kevin: Getting to the episode itself, is it me or was the setup kind of weird? Like, they're vacationing in Morocco, just sort of chilling at this run down house. Is that, like, a normal thing British kids do?

Robin: Surely, this is NOT normal. I think I've mentioned before how now that I'm (mostly) a grown-up watching "Skins" (as opposed to the early seasons when I was closer to the characters' age), I spend a lot of time wigging out over how irresponsible they are. Like don't they have homework to do? How do they always have so much money for marijuana when hardly any of them have after-school jobs? Basically the whole first half this episode was me trying to determine who was funding this trip. And more importantly, did David Fucking Blood approve this? Seems unlikely. This episode also made me hate winter. It was difficult to watch in January.

Kevin: "Don't they have homework to do?" Seriously? Jesus, Robin. You and your Lawful Good behavior.

Kevin: Oh! Franky! How could not have mentioned her already. For those who don't know, I was super in love with Franky last season, but right from go we see a very different Franky this episode. She certainly looked like she's grown since we last saw her. And it's funny, cause when she first shows up this episode, I noticed that her braces were gone. And I thought to myself, "Huh. That's interesting. I wonder if the creators did that to signify her growth." Then I thought to myself, "No, you idiot. The actress probably just probably didn't need braces anymore."

Robin: Franky, man. How gorgeous is she in this episode? (Don't answer that actually.) And, also, how bizarre is it that she looks that gorgeous? I get that people reinvent themselves a lot in high school and getting your first boyfriend would probably lead to some of that, but it was really jarring to see her, say, sleeping in sexy bras and whatnot, when last season she was wearing men's briefs around. So, I don't know. I'll reserve judgement on new Franky till I've seen more of her, I guess.

Kevin: Yeah, I agree. I'll see how I feel about "FemFranky" as the season goes. You hit the whole "first boyfriend" thing, too. She's been dating Matty it seems, and immediately we see that they're having major problems. I'm wondering if that's because by her nature Franky can't be in a relationship or if it's just because it's Matty and he's, well, Matty. You've never liked him, right?

Robin: OF COURSE she and Matty are having problems. He's the worst. Give me an Alo over a Matty any day.

Kevin: Incidentally, speaking of Franky's new wardrobe, how awesome was Rich's pink tank top and shorts? That had to be one of my favorite bits this episode.

Robin: How awesome were ALL the clothes in this episode. I really want Mini's red one-piece. Just saying.

Kevin: What is your obsession with clothes? This is at least the fifth or sixth thing in which you've mentioned how adorable the clothing was as a main point. I believe it was the first thing you said to me about the HUNTRESS miniseries.

Robin: Huntress's clothes WERE really cute in that miniseries.

Kevin: Was it me or did that Luke guy look super weird? There was something off about him. And he's like some weird drug dealing, creeper. Plus, Franky was all over him. I was like, "What? Why? He's super freaky looking!"

Robin: I'm really happy you brought this up. I watched this episode with my roommates and we got into a HUGE thing over whether that guy was incredibly attractive or incredibly terrible. For the record, I vote terrible looking. He looks like the weird 90s-guy dates from that board game Dream Phone. But maybe some people are into that?

Kevin: Then there's the big thing that happened this episode. Franky drives off with freaky dude. Matty goes speeding off after her with Liv and Grace in the car with him. Sure enough, car flips, and poor Grace gets hurt BAD. You know, since her and Rich got together, I think every fan knew she had a target on her back. This is "Skins," after all. Happiness cannot last for an extended period of time.

Robin: It sounds weird to say, "I'm glad this happened." But they're fictional, so, it doesn't matter. I'm glad she's in the hospital. The show wasn't going to have them be happy and drama-free, so I prefer this to breaking them up over something dumb.

Kevin: Well, this is "Skins." It's either in the hospital or DEAD. Obviously, the repercussions of this episode are going to play out for a while. Franky obviously feels very guilty about what happened. Rich must be PIIIISSSSSSEEDDDD. Nick's a bit torn. And Matty's run off. I'm sure you're of the opinion that Matty actually doesn't even need to come back?

Robin: Matty can stay away forever for all I care.

Kevin: Let's talk a few predictions for the season. Who do you think is hooking up with who? Obviously, Alo and Mini are secretly together. But it seems every other relationship has been torn up. I'm wondering if Franky and Nick's guilt will pull them together. Liv... I'm not too sure what her story is going to be this season. Last season it seems she was just the girl who got with other people's love interests, and drama ensued. Rich... poor, poor Rich. What do you think?

Robin: I actually really like the idea of Franky and Nick having a mismatched romance founded on mutual guilt, but I wouldn't want them together for all time. And since Liv seems to have nothing going on, I predict her storyline will dovetail with the new character's. Though probably not romantically, as I just read online that he's gay.

That's all from Robin and me this week! Next week, we got Episode 2 headed our way, focusing on our favorite metal man, Rich!

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