Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Inter President Massimo Moratti's Wants Chelsea Boss Andre Villas Boas Report.

A Portuguese has endured a turbulent debut season at Stamford Bridge but the Nerazzurri are keen for him to replace Claudio Ranieri at the helm at appiano gentile and the Chelsea boss Andre Villas-Boas is reportedly Inter president Massimo Moratti's 1st choice to take over at San Siro during the summer.

The Moratti gave current coach Claudio Ranieri his vote of confidence on Tuesday after a run of five successive defeats in all competitions in gazzetta dello Sport is claiming that the Nerazzurri supremo has already decided to part company with the Roman coach at the end of campaign and now intends to do his utmost to lure Villas-Boas to the Giuseppe Meazza.

The Moratti had hoped to hire Villas-Boas last year but the Portuguese eventually ended up leaving Porto for Chelsea after the Blues agreed to meet his €15 million release clause to Gazzetta in France's Laurent Blanc, Napoli's Walter Mazzarri and Udinese's Francesco Guidolin are also on Moratti's coaching shortlist and the blanc a former Inter player, is out of contract after Euro 2012 in both Mazzarri and Guidolin have done remarkable work to the respective clubs in Serie A in recent seasons.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Argentine Forward Lionel Messi Hoping Pep Guardiola Stays at Barcelona.

The Argentine forward Lionel Messi has admitted that he has heard great things about the Athletic coach and has also been suitably impressed by the impact he has made since arriving in La Liga and messi has revealed to he hopes Pep Guardiola remains as Barcelona coach for years to come but hinted that should the Catalan trainer elect to move on at the end of the season, Athletic Bilbao boss Marcelo Bielsa would make a fine replacement.

A Guardiola is out of contract in the summer and has yet to decide whether he will sign an extension to remain at Camp Nou in messi like all of his team-mates, is hoping that the man who has led Barca to 13 titles over the past four seasons will eventually decide to commit his future to the club and i do not know what he is thinking to the forward told La Red played to we are awaiting the decision he will take.

They are very strong to we have no choice but to fight to the end and the messi is currently preparing for his country's friendly against Switzerland on Wednesday and is suspended for Barcelona's clash with Sporting Gijon in La Liga this weekend after picking up five yellow cards this season.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Five Comics Worth Reading - February 2012

At this point, having a comic book blogger tell you that you should give Archie Comics a second look because they’re doing some pretty remarkable and groundbreaking stuff is not the shocker it was a year ago (I already more or less did as much recently). However, just because it’s getting exposure is no reason not to talk about something good, and Archie is indeed something good right now. I’ve always appreciated the rock solid and consistent grasp of storytelling and characterization the folks from Riverdale have, but the material they’re producing right now is pretty bold and standout, not to mention something I can sink my teeth into as an adult while still recommending it to my sister who is a school teacher to give out in class. If you want to see issues like gay marriage or the economic crisis covered with intelligence and wit but also restraint and balance, Archie of all places is where you should be turning. Also, there are guest appearances from rock bands and parodies of movies; it’s like how Sesame Street got cool again, but more up my alley. I’ve been meaning to sample more of the line, such as the fairly acclaimed Life with Archie, but for now I’m recommending the titular flagship since that’s where my amigo Alex Segura’s recent “Archie Meets KISS” story just wrapped and where he’ll be tackling “Occupy Riverdale” in the coming months.

So perhaps you checked out the first three issues of Avenging Spider-Man because Joe Madureira made his return to comics, and likely you were not disappointed because Joe Mad has still got it and kicked some ass. However, while marveling (pun not intended) at Joe drawing eight zillion Moloids, you may have found yourself chuckling at Spidey’s banter even more than usual. You may also have been shocked at how much you were seeing J. Jonah Jameson as a complex character rather than just a gruff curmudgeon (but also still a gruff curmudgeon). You may further have empathized with The Mole Man, gasped when Red Hulk went down and marveled at Spider-Man’s solution to the whole conflict. All of these reactions came in large part thanks to writer Zeb Wells, who is indeed the goods. Peter Parker is fortunate enough (or as fortunate as comic characters can get given the high tragedy rate they suffer through more or less monthly) to be handled with regular love and care by the brilliant Dan Slott, but Zeb comes from another direction on this book, focusing exclusively thus far on the Spidey side of the equation, and with results I’m digging. It really clicked into place with me on issue #4, a standalone team-up with Hawkeye drawn by Greg Land, where Wells inverted the usual Spider-Man/anybody else dynamic by having Spidey as the frustratingly responsible one, and then nailing a core character trait of Clint Barton from an angle I’ve certainly never seen, and if it’s been done before surely not any better than this. Zeb Wells is a busy dude out in Hollywood who doesn’t get to write nearly enough comics, but when he does, you should rush to appreciate his twin barrels of genuinely hilarity and razor sharp grasp of what makes the characters he’s writing tick; that he’s currently on a book where he gets to play with the coolest heroes in the Marvel Universe while top notch artists draw them is the proverbial gravy sauce.

On a recent trip to Midtown Comics, I decided to put my money where my mouth was re: a claim I made recently in an Art Attack post that the covers for the new Extreme books were enough to entice me to check out at least one or two with no idea what I was buying—and I’m glad I did. I have no familiarity with the character Glory, either in her original or Alan Moore incarnations (are they the same?) and further had no knowledge of who Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell were outside of names my more sophisticated comic reading friends drop when discussing folks good at writing and/or drawing. The story by Keatinge in the first issue (technically #23) is all over the place both in terms of chronology and focus, but while that can take me right out of some stories, here it was done wonderfully, as I felt immersed in a huge saga within 20 or so pages, getting glimpses of tons of stuff I knew a little about and want to learn more of, but also feeling like I got a good enough sense of this character and her world that I am invested in what comes next. Campbell’s art is wild and unique, certainly outside my normal comfort zone and I ate it up, man. Glory is terrifying in her proportions and the visual violence she reaps, but she’s also quite beautiful, both in the quiet moments and glimmering in the heat of battle. This is also a comic where I really noticed the colors, given how much white and grey there is so kudos to Shatia Hamilton for really making it stand out. Discovering new comic book universes where I’m a total neophyte but want to know more is one of my favorite things, so I’m quite pumped to be reading this book!

For the longest time I didn’t really “get” the New Mutants. Weaned on X-Force as I was, they were only ever the younger, wimpier, less cool versions of the characters I really liked to me, and Cannonball looked like a dork. I had no desire to read about that incarnation of my beloved team and even less to see them regress to that point. When Generation X and later the New X-Men came into being while X-Force quietly dissolved back into being reserve X-Men, the mutants I grew up loving seemed to suffer the same middle child syndrome as the original Teen Titans, just kind of hanging around in the background as less competent adults or out-of-place young people. It’s only recently that I’ve really started to appreciate through trades the endearing quirkiness of the original New Mutants—it helps that I’m not 12 years old and baffled by characters under 20 without earrings or leather jackets anymore—just in time for Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning to find a niche for the characters today. Having just departed my 20’s, I dig how DnA writes the original Muties as that drifting lost generation too old to live on Utopia with Cyclops and company but still too young to know quite what they’re doing with their lives. For a team that includes techno-organic aliens and other-dimensional doppelgangers, the New Mutants seem refreshingly “normal” amidst an X-Men Universe of the extraordinary (which I also love, but there’s room for chocolate as well as peanut butter; well, not for me, I’m lactose intolerant, but you get me). Tossing this weird yet relatable group up against gonzo threats like demonic metal bands or islands of monster birds plays the contrast beautifully, and the soap opera aspects are also finely tuned, feeling more Reality Bites than 90210, as befitting the protagonist demographic. With guys like David Lopez manning the art, New Mutants is also one of the prettiest book on the stands. And did I mention they had a whole issue that was Magma on a date with Mephisto and it was phenomenal? Mephisto truly is the most lovable character of 2012…

Ok, on the surface, Red Lanterns would seem to have a lot going against it for the discerning reader. There’s the pretty absurd violence level and the fact that most of the characters are literally vomiting up acid blood more often than not. There’s also the overblown sexualizing of many female figures in physically impossible poses. The book gives you plenty of reasons not to give it a shot, and nobody would blame you if you wanted to pass and try something else—I won’t—but if you do elect to sample Red Lantern, you may be surprised to find you enjoy it; I kinda was. It’s not a surprise that Peter Milligan can write a good series, but given the material of perpetually pissed off monsters whose personalities consist more of yelling than anything else, it’s pretty impressive how much depth he gives them. Without a traditional heroic lead, Milligan chooses instead to muse on the concept of rage and anger getting somewhat deep in the process, but never lapsing into boring. As the series has progressed, he’s gone a bit further and explored the gamut of emotions, how those that drive the Red Lanterns fit in the mix, and how they can be exploited. The power struggle between Atrocitus and Bleez is reminiscent of something you might see on Apokolips, and as the cast expands, the intrigue grows. Ed Benes’ art may not be for everybody, but you can’t deny it’s striking, and when it comes to designing or portraying out there beasts, his skills can shine quite nicely. So yeah, I didn’t think Red Lanterns would be a book I’d be championing six months in—and again, this is one of those “your mileage may vary” cases—but I do contend it’s worth a look if you’re even slightly curious.

Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo is at the Top Of The European Golden Shoe Table

A Portuguese scored a sumptuous goal to maintain his position as the continent's most prolific attacker this season Lionel Messi kept up the pace with a stunning free-kick and the another week of European football as he scored with a brilliant backheel against Rayo Vallecano in his team's narrow 1-0 win on Sunday.

In the strike was the Portuguese star's 29th of the season and keeps him two points clear of his closest rival, Lionel Messi in the argentine matched Ronaldo's majestic effort with a delightful free kick against Atletico Madrid to gave his barcelona side a dramatic 2-1 win and robin van Persie moved level on points trans Narva's goal-scoring behemoth Aleksandrs Cekulajevs a wonderfully curled effort in Arsenal's 5-2 victory over north London rivals Tottenham.

In 1967-68, French football magazine L'Equipe opted to hand out an award to the top goalscorer in all European leagues for his good performances during the season to the between 1968 and 1991, high profile names such as Eusebio, Gerd Muller, Ian Rush and Marco van Basten won the coveted trophy in this measure has prevented players from so-called weaker leagues from winning the European Golden Shoe, since a goal scored in for example, Armenia, Estonia or Azerbaijan, carries less weight than a goal scored in Serie A, La Liga, the Bundesliga or the Premier League to the players such as Thierry Henry, Cristiano Ronaldo, Diego Forlan and Lionel Messi have won the European Golden Shoe in the past few seasons.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

tanaka rie

Academy Award-Winning Paragraph Movie Review: The Artist

If you don't have plans to see this movie, you can check the spoilers here and then come back.

From just about every technical standpoint, The Artist is a masterpiece; really it has to be, as it needs to hold the attention of a 21st century audience with the film making techniques of nearly a century ago and absent of any spoken dialogue or color. A great, consistently moving score help to keep you engaged with a plot that could easily lose you otherwise. Meticulous cinematography and art direction contribute as well. Michel Hazanavicius and his crew deserve tremendous credit for putting every aspect of a movie that might get glossed over because they're covered by strong acting under the microscope and making sure to get as close to perfection with them as they can. Even stuff I wouldn't normally notice like the snappy costumes stood out. And the performances are there to boot, as Jean Dujardin brims with the charm of a born leading man whose expressive physical work, comedic chops and ability to pour his heart into his face is remarkable. Berenice Bejo is a notch or two below Dujardin, but that doesn't mean she's not fantastic (she is). The supporting cast is wisely packed with actors not out of place in the setting who do so much storytelling with the way they move, particularly John Goodman, but also Missi Pyle and even James Cromwell; Penelope Ann Miller is a bit of a weak link, but she's not a particularly important cog. Finally the story being conveyed--the fall of a lovable but vain silent film star railing against talking pictures and his love story with the woman symbolizing his replacement--is strong with much to say. My big knock against The Artist would be its lack of staying power, meaning now that I've seen all the tricks (and there were some great ones, from everything I outlined to the gradual introduction of sound and so on), I really have no desire to watch it again. I'm also not sure how much my attention would have been held had I seen it in the theater as opposed to with my friends at their apartment, with us able to commentate over the whole thing (which we did). But hey, there are far worse things that being a darn near flawless piece of cinema that you only want to see once, and that dog was adorable.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Match News: Barcelona 2-0 Valencia

The Barcelona will contest the 2012 Copa del Rey final, their 3rd in four years against Athletic Bilbao after overcoming Valencia 2-0 at Camp Nou and 3-1 on aggregate.


A Returning to the side after a two-game rest, Xavi struggled with Valencia's early intensity but grew in stature as Barca slowly took control of the game and came to close with a neat lobbed effort in the second half and scored the second with a brilliant finish after that.

Top of the Match for Lionel Messi:

Has looked below his best of late but was hugely participative on the night and did everything but score as he came up against Diego Alves in the woodwork and a heroic block from Victor Ruiz. Some excellent running with the ball to lacked the final finish in he did set up Cesc's goal with a great long pass thorugh.

Flop of the Match for Sofiane Feghouli:

Rasped the side netting with a fierce drive early on and was unlucky to should have at least hit the target when Valencia badly needed to take advantage of their early dominance to the dismissed for a second yellow on 76 minutes and he petulantly pushed Puyol and leaving his side dead and buried.

Pep Guardiola's side now have the chance to clinch their 26th Copa del Rey victory, and will meet Athletic Bilbao in May.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Barcelona Forward David Villa Could return To Action From Injury in April

The Catalan giants could receive a huge boost as the Spain international may recover in time for the Clasico at Camp Nou on April 22 and he could return to action in the next two months, according to one of his representatives.

The 30-year-old David Villa sustained a fractured leg in the Club World Cup in December and has been in a race against time to regain full fitness before the Euro 2012 finals and it will depend on his recovery to think that at the end of April we will see him playing again, Victor Onate, general director of VOS Marketing and the company which represents Villa, told Canal 9.

David is great. Although people may find it strange, he is working harder than ever, even when he could play to he is very focused on returning as quickly as possible for that the Spain international may resume full training in time for the visit of Real Madrid, on April 22 and he joined Barca in 2010 after a five-year spell at Valencia to has scored 9 goals in 24 appearances this season.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wayne Rooney Missed Training He Could Be Rested From Thursday Second Leg against Ajax

The Wayne Rooney played no part in the open portion of training on the eve of Manchester United Europa League clash with Ajax and the sir alex ferguson squad to paces at Carrington ahead of Thursday's 2nd leg at Old Trafford in United will be looking to protect a 2-0 lead and set up a last-16 tie against Lokomotiv Moscow or Athletic Bilbao next month.

He was the only significant absentee from the session and could be rested for the European clash with an important Premier League trip to Norwich looming on Sunday in the remainder of United's 1st team squad were present to midfielder Anderson who has been missing recently with a knee problem and they are long-time absentee Michael Owen, who suffered a thigh injury in the UEFA Champions League match against Otelul Galati in November also did some light jogging.

Personal Life for Wayne Rooney it was annaunced in July 2011 in he jersey was the best-selling sports product that is under the auspices of the Premier League in the manchester United sales annualy between 1.2 million and a million and a half shirt, it is estimated that during last season and the he jersey was sold in several hundred thousand copies to the account is taken of the official jerseys for sale across the globe, not just in England.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Art Attack: May 2012's Coolest Covers

-On Animal Man Annual #1 and Avengers Academy #30, Travel Foreman and Giuseppe Camuncoli both do something that makes their covers stand out in a perfectly logical and yet unexpected way, that being taking characters whose chief physical characteristics are physical deformities and actually making them visually a bit gross. Swamp Thing is a shambling swamp monster and Mettle is basically an accident victim with no skin, but the tendency for artists will often just be to make them look super heroic and bad ass; Foreman's Swamp Thing is a creeping mass of gelatin while Camuncoli's Mettle appears horribly uncomfortable in his own proportions. It solidifies what makes these characters unique when artists go for it like this, and it makes their work stand out in the process.

-On his variant to Avengers Vs. X-Men #4, Jerome Opena demonstrates how to make a simple concept very powerful. And dig those Dean White colors.

-Captain America dinosaur! Captain America dinosaur!

-There is seemingly not only nothing Paolo Rivera can't do, but nothing he can't do with his own spin. This month, he does sexy like you've never seen before on the cover of Daredevil.

-Dave Johnson is a genius with composition. I'm loving seeing the techniques he's been using to make his Deadpool covers break from the pack and am anxious to see how that black space is ultimately utilized. His Fury MAX stuff is pretty damn hot too.

-Breaking: Adam Hughes draws gorgeous ladies.

-It's always fun to see Ethan Van Sciver apply his detailed style to new designs, in this case Batwing and OMAC at the least.

-Hey, remember how I said a couple months back I was intrigued to pick up Glory based just on the cover? I did and I liked it!

-That Grim Leaper cover unsettles me and I can't put my finger on exactly why.

-Incredible Hulk #7.1's cover is currently the background on my work computer.

-What in the blue hell is happening on that Wolverine cover by Chris Samnee? I must know.

-Young Justice #16 feels a bit like an homage to the original Young Justice #22, itself a bit of an homage to New Teen Titans #8. Cool stuff.

AMERICAN VAMPIRE #27 by Rafael Albuquerque
ANIMAL MAN ANNUAL #1 by Travel Foreman
AQUAMAN #9 by Ivan Reis
AVENGERS ACADEMY #30 by Giuseppe Camuncoli
AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #4 by Jerome Opena
BATMAN & ROBIN #9 by Patrick Gleason
CAPTAIN AMERICA & HAWKEYE #631 by Patrick Zircher
DAREDEVIL #12 by Paolo Rivera
DEADPOOL #54 by Dave Johnson
DIAL H #1 by Brian Bolland
FAIREST #3 by Adam Hughes
FURY MAX #2 by Dave Johnson
GLORY #26 by Ross Campbell
GREEN LANTERN #9 by Doug Mahnke
GRIM LEAPER #1 by Aluisio Santos
INCREDIBLE HULK #7.1 by Michael Komarck
INCREDIBLE HULK #8 cover by Michael Komarck
MIND THE GAP #1 by Rodin Esquejo
MYSTERY IN SPACE #1 by Mike Allred
SECRET AVENGERS #27 by Alan Davis
SUPERGIRL #9 by Mahmud Asrar
SWAMP THING #9 by Yanick Paquette
ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN #12 by Kaare Andrews
VENOM #17 by Mike Del Mundo
WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #10 by Chris Bachalo
WOLVERINE #306 by Chris Samnee
X-FACTOR #235 by David Yardin
YOUNG JUSTICE #16 by Christopher Jones
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