Monday, April 30, 2012

Derek Ramsay TV5 Contract Worth P600-M, Asked by Star Cinema to Tell the Truth About Bea Alonzo's Movie

Derek Ramsay TV5 Contract Worth P600-M, Asked by Star Cinema to Tell the Truth About Bea Alonzo's Movie

In a news posted at Yahoo! OMG on Saturday, TV5 star Derek Ramsay said he can't help but feel hurt when he learned that Star Cinema decided to take him out as Bea Alonzo’s leading man in the movie "The Mistress" and replaced by John Lloyd Cruz.

I was the last to know. (At first) hindi ako naniwala sa mga tao sa paligid ko na wala na nga ako talaga.” Derek said.

In today's Ricky F. Lo's Funfare article, Star Cinema Managing Director Malou Santos, answers and clarifies Derek's statement which she believes is a lie.

The article reads:

Star Cinema managing director Malou Santos called up Funfare yesterday to clarify the item about Derek Ramsay having been “unceremoniously” taken out of The Mistress, replaced by John Lloyd Cruz as the leading man of Bea Alonzo (with Hilda Koronel and Ronaldo Valdez as the other members of the cast).

Malou said that Derek did shoot for the movie for only three days and not seven days as Funfare reported.

Before Derek signed up with the Kapatid Network TV5, Malou admitted that Star Cinema/ABS-CBN did make a counter-offer for both film and TV, without mentioning the talent fee involved. According to the network’s official statement, Derek must have been offered by TV5 an amount “na hindi namin kayang tapatan.” Derek and his manager Joji denied that Derek bit the TV5 offer to the tune of P600 million (too much, too much!?!).

“I spoke to Joji about management’s decision last April 4 at 5 p.m.,” recalled Malou. “The text of Derek came a few minutes after that. It said, ‘Hi, Tita. I heard the sad news na papalitan n’yo po ako sa movie. Thank you, Tita, for the opportunity. Best wishes.’ I texted him back, ‘I hope you understand the decision of management.’ He replied, ‘Yes, I do.’ So it’s not true that we replaced Derek without his being informed about it.”

Citing the case of Aga Muhlach who also moved from Kapamilya to Kapatid, Malou said it was an entirely different story.

“Aga was shooting his Star Cinema movie In The Name Of Love with Angel Locsin when his negotiations with TV5 were going on, but he made the official announcement only when the movie was done and ready to be shown,” explained Malou. “In the case of Derek, nauna ang announcement ng paglipat n’ya sa TV5 before the movie was even finished.”

Malou has one appeal to Derek: “As I wish you luck and I respect your decision (to sign up with another network), just tell the truth. Huwag lang magsalita ng hindi tama at hindi totoo.”

Sarah Geronimo "24/SG" Birthday Concert Happening on July 7 at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum

Sarah Geronimo "24/SG" Birthday Concert Happening on July 7 at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum

Brace yourselves for the biggest birthday blowout happening this July 7 at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum!

As she turns a year older, expect a bolder, stronger and braver Sarah Geronimo in a much-awaited concert called 24/SG!

Witness how Sarah Geronimo has transformed from a small town girl to the country’s pop royalty. Major preparations are already being done for Sarah’s big birthday concert. In fact, the Popstar Princess makes sure that her performances will be something that her fans have never seen before.

Thus, leaving a special message to her followers, “Sana po abangan po ninyo ang aking birthday concert, 24/SG, magte-twenty-four na po ako. July 7 po at the Araneta Coliseum.”

And just in time for her 24th birthday, Sarah is also set to release another album.

This upcoming album is another birthday treat to her fans and supporters. During her pictorial, Sarah shared “Tonight po nag-pictorial kami para sa album ko din. To be released soon at yun po, yung concert, para po sa poster ng concert ko.”

Tips for Assembling the Avengers

As an employee of Marvel Entertainment, I had the good fortune to see “Marvel’s The Avengers” a week early and in 3-D on a big ol’ screen last Thursday. For this lifelong comic fan, seeing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes huddling up in a circle as chaos reigned down on New York City, I can without a shred of corporate bias say my expectations were met and exceeded. It’s a fine film that you should see not just because of its quality but because it will likely rewrite civilization as we know it not unlike the renaissance and you don’t want to get left behind. Do you?

(Last sentence hyperbole aside, see my sincere sentiments from the previous sentence and double those to compensate)

The movie had a not entirely unexpected but interesting lineup, with the requisite Captain America/Iron Man/Thor triumvirate on top, Avengers fixture Hawkeye along for the ride, comics founder but short-term member The Hulk as the wild card, and finally Black Widow—a former team leader who has logged her fair share of avenging—to round out the group with Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. in a support role. It’s the template Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch used for the Ultimates, but it’s also just a solid mix of personalities, powers and temperaments that makes for great action as well as solid drama.

It got me thinking about what makes a good Avengers line-up. Honestly, any roster can be pretty good or even great with the right creators and stories, but the Avengers perhaps more so than the X-Men, Teen Titans or JLA have been able to alter their line-up through the years and shuffle members in and out; along the way I would say something resembling a formula for success has developed.

Here are the things I feel make for an optimal Avengers team…

They don’t need to get along
The Fantastic Four are a family, the X-Men are a school (or a faculty), the Teen Titans are childhood friends—these are the conventions we’re used to (even if they’re sometimes altered, they tend to be resilient). The Justice League and the Avengers are professionals; they’re highly powered, highly motivated individuals coming together to do a job in the same way any corporation or small business does. Of course you don’t always
like everybody you work with, even if you’re very successful in what you collectively do. While refinements have been made over the years, the very first Justice League stories in many cases ring hollow because it’s half a dozen people who get along famously from the moment they fight their first starfish. The Avengers more realistically bicker and clash when thrust unwittingly into working as a unit and it’s not until down the line that familiarity and kinship does indeed lead to friendship and respect. Nowhere was this more evident than on the original team, where The Hulk quit after one issue and everybody was coming to blows constantly, even after Captain America joined the team (somewhere along the way many people have come to believe Cap was some sort of quick fix, but he was leaving the team every few issues after getting into it with Hawkeye for some time). Even today, there are personality clashes (and the occasional Civil War), though there is also deep and abiding affection forged from years of saving the world together. If you think about your workplace, it’s likely you may not have been enamored with all your co-workers when you started, but somewhere along the way, you bonded, be it through shared victories, sheer proximity, or a combination of both and more (or you all still detest one another, but you put it aside to get home by 7:00; either way). We may not be able to relate to thunder gods or super soldiers, but a tense workplace environment is pretty familiar to most.

Soap opera doesn’t hurt
That said, all work and no play, yada yada yada. I like a healthy dose of pathos and interpersonal drama as much as I like punching and laser blasts in my comics (I grew up on 90’s X-Men, don’t blame me). As much as I love the Kree-Skrull War, Under Siege or Avengers Forever, I’ve got just as much affection for the unique courtship of The Vision and The Scarlet Witch. We’ve seen just about every romantic pairing imaginable in comics, but the beautiful yet outcast mutant gypsy who found love with the synthetic man and made him feel human remains among the most poignant to me. Beyond doing a lot for those two characters, this development mushroomed out to engulf other members of the cast, whether it was breaking Hawkeye’s heart or driving Quicksilver near insane. You would think I’d have gone wild for the Crystal-Black Knight-Sersi triangle during the 90’s, but in that case I’d say the soap opera took over a bit too much, as those three seemed to be the only ones any of the plots revolved around while Captain America, Black Widow, Hercules and the rest were just there to beat up bad guys. Striking a balance between the mission and downtime is key to any successful super hero team dynamic, but with a group like the Avengers, where that mission can be so vast and imposing, finding time to sprinkle in stuff like flirtations, weddings or even just friendship (Wonder Man and Beast!) goes a long way.

Give new characters a chance
It’s simple marketing, really, but if you’ve already got a solid core of proven A-listers on a property like Avengers, taking the risk to bring a lesser-known player into the mix and have them siphon some of that spotlight just for a bit can reward you with a brand new star. Throwing Beast in with a respectable line-up that already had Captain America and Iron Man transcended him from just being an X-Men also ran into being a true fan favorite. In her admittedly derivative earliest incarnation, She-Hulk had trouble carrying a solo series, but being part of the Avengers helped bring out a fresh and likable personality as she played wonderfully off the more established Wasp and Hawkeye. For decades, Luke Cage hovered on the fringe of being a true mover and shaker, but as the x-factor among surefire superstars including Spider-Man and Wolverine in New Avengers, I’d argue he’s become among the most beloved characters in comics over the past decade and finally broken past cult status. Going back to that workplace analogy, it can be tough to break in a fresh face on a book like Teen Titans where readers are often looking for familiarity and comfort, and additions to the X-Men tend to be newly discovered mutants rather than established characters seeking a push (with obvious exceptions), but offices hire new people all the time, and just like real people can benefit from employment by a prominent brand, so can the Avengers elevate those who have potential.

POV is key
It’s always nice to have an everyman (or woman) on the Avengers. I mean, really you can use a relatable character on any comic book team, but with the group that’s supposed to be the best of the best, it’s nice to have a way in as a reader. Probably the go-to guy here has always been Hawkeye, and that’s, of course, a big part of his charm. There’s something very cool about a dude with a bow and arrow who can hang with the biggest guns in and of itself, but it’s also a window for us to think that if we persevere hard enough, we can not only accomplish our goals, but earn the respect and admiration of those society would see as our superiors, but whom we can become peers with if we try. Decades later, Justice gave another spin on the POV Avenger, as he possessed tremendous telekinetic powers, but his hero worship would often stop him in his tracks. Vance Astrovik was a great addition to the Avengers (and not just due to being a New Warrior) because he represented the closest approximation to how a real life fan would probably act were they somehow transported into the Marvel Universe and ascended to this role. Justice had a nice journey to boot, as he never fully lost that stage fright in front of his idols, but he worked hard to get on as equal ground as he could and ended up a true asset to the team. More recently, the original everyman, Spider-Man, has served capably as the guy in awe of sharing living space with Captain America. Most recently, Venom the newest Avenger, has hooked up with the group he’s aspired to being part of since he was a teenager, and I’m looking forward to experiencing his initiation along with him.

Take chances with leadership
Some of the best Avengers chairpersons have been the ones you never would have picked. The Wasp, for years, was the flighty mascot of the team, but after suffering through personal tragedy, she channeled her energy into her work and became one of the most elite leaders the group ever had, her affability and understated toughness providing a different style that worked wonderfully. Luke Cage was, for years, the quintessential loner, and even a guy who took cash to do good deeds, but it truly marked his maturity that he could rally his squad the way he did during their darkest hour. And even though she may only have been team leader for a relative eye blink, Monica Rambeau proved that heart (and Roger Stern’s awesome writing) can be just as valuable as experience.

They should always be Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
At the end of the day, the thing you really have to think about when crafting an Avengers roster is if they would be the people every other hero or civilian in the Marvel Universe would want as the cavalry, because that’s their role. Yes, it’s no doubt a relief to have the X-Men, Fantastic Four or Defenders backing your play, but when you hear “Avengers Assemble!” you should sigh a sense of relief, knowing whatever menace is afoot, it’s no match for the combined might of Earth’s Mightiest. Not to make it an Avengers/JLA thing, but the weakest incarnations of the Justice League surely did not inspire this sense of confidence; when Vibe and company arrived to pull Firestorm’s fat out of the fire during Legends, I can’t imagine he was really breathing easy (and of course half the team died shortly thereafter). However, even with the near-forgotten short term Avengers line-up that came together during Inferno, you still had half the FF, Captain America in a badass black suit and freaking Thor coming to your rescue (also, Gilgamesh). Even when Doctor Druid somehow swindled his way into being team leader, the tri-towers of Hercules, She-Hulk and Namor were around to wreck shop. Even when Captain America got left with three inexperienced former villains…ok, honestly, if I were Spider-Man, maybe I would have a little nervous were I battling Doctor Doom and got Cap’s Kooky Quartet as back-up, but doggone it, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are plenty powerful, Captain America can intimidate even the lord of Latveria, and you better believe Hawkeye’s got a trick arrow for that. If you’ve got the Avengers on your side, it’s game over for the opposition—period.

Ten Cate blesses the choice of Tito Vilanova

The second of Rijkaard at Barça believes that Pep Guardiola relay "is the best option."
The Dutchman said: "Guardiola's Barça is an enhanced version of Rijkaard's Barça.

Henk ten Cate, assistant coach of FC Barcelona between 2003 and 2006 in a bench headed by Frank Rijkaard, has blessed the decision of the board of Sandro Rosell to elect Tito Vilanova as a substitute for Pep Guardiola. "It's a very good decision. Tito knows the whole environment and style of Barça. I think it was very important in recent years, knows the players. I think is the best option," he assured the current coach of the Shandong Luneng Taishan Chinese in an interview with COM Radio.

Guardiola understands the Dutch for having communicated their march. "It's a miracle that a coach is five years. Are working hard with the pressure of everyone having to play well and win matches and with a style that is most difficult to do." In this sense, Ten Cate has stated that "Rijkaard and Guardiola has done a great job" and that "Guardiola's Barça is an enhanced version of Rijkaard's Barça. We started something and Guardiola has improved on. The Guardiola's football been the best but yes, less spectacular. "

Moreover, the former assistant to Rijkaard, who fought with Barça José Mourinho's Chelsea in the second round of the Champions League 2004-05 and 2005-06, has praised the Portuguese: "Mourinho's style is very defensive. a personamente me I like, but you can not say that's not good coach. A good coach is a great coach with success. is a different style that people like of Barça or holadeses. Mourinho's style is also a winning style. "

Among the other names of the interview stand Sandro Rosell, "a very intelligent person and a great leader" for Ten Cate, and Joan Laporta: "A big chair." The Dutchman has described Leo Messi as "the best player in the world" and Ronaldinho as "the best in his time," while also emphasized the value of Xavi: "It is the player previously less appreciated by the environment, something different from now. for me, Xavi was one of the most important players of Barça at the time I was me. "Finally, Thiago Motta has hit out: In the Barça he was a player unprofessional. " (via MD)

[Youth] FCB Juvenil A 1 - 3 RCD Espanyol

The Juvenil of Òscar García can not reditar the title won last year after losing to Espanyol in the quarter-finals.

The azulgranas have moved forward with a goal of Babunski (9 '), but Espanyol have forced overtime with a goal from Bonilla (74').

The front Jafar, 99 and 110, has given the ticket to the semifinals to the set blanquiazul.

The Juvenil A of FC Barcelona has been dismissed from the Champions Cup has begun to challenge this Monday in Lepe after losing to Espanyol. Oscar Garcia boys have seen the blue and white have rallied from a 1 to 0 and ended up taking the win in overtime.

From the first minute of the game Barça has been much more focused that Espanyol. If only they had played three minutes the referee annulled a goal for offside Campabadal. But the azulgranas have tried and followed in minute 9 has reached the goal. It has been Babunski, after a good play Dongou staff, who has attended Patric, and this has left him facing the ball to mark Babunski.

With the score in favor of Òscar García continued with the domain of play, but Espanyol was slowly generating arrivals danger. But a great Miguel Bañuz solvency stopped with the opposing team's shots.

After the break Espanyol took the lead of the game and much of the game has been played in azulgrana field. The more minutes had passed more tired on the pitch. But on 74 minutes came the equalizer. Jordán's last in-depth that ends Bonilla and raises the 1 to 1 on the scoreboard.

With the tie the azulgranas have been activated and have gone for the win, but the goal has not arrived and played going into overtime.

The fatigue was growing, but the two teams have not dropped their arms. But Jafar has been the player who has finished deciding the match. In the 9th minute of extra time has made 1 to 2. In addition the azulgranas are seen as more complicated the game when Grimaldo has been expelled. Then, at 110 match, Jafar again has put the final 1 to 3. And The azulgranas have seen nine remained after the expulsion of Patric. (via

[Match Stats]
FC Barcelona: Bañuz, Campabadal, Grimaldo, Bagnack, Ayala, Samper, Cornejo, Patric, Quesada, Babunski i Dongou. También han jugado Quintillà, Moreno, Olivan and Bakoyock

RCD Espanyol: Parreño, Héctor Rodríguez, Bonilla, Arroyo, Duarte, Muntadas, Miravent, Jordan, Herráiz, Grant i Yeboah. También han jugado Granados, Molina and Canadell

Goals: 1-0, Babunski (9’); 1-1, Bonilla (74’); 1-2, Jafar (99’); 1-3, Jafar (110’)

Referee: Enrique Figuero Vázquez.

International press hail Guardiola

The international media has been unanimous in its recognition and appreciation of Josep Guardiola after the manager announced that he will leave FC Barcelona at the end of the season.

The international media has been unanimous in its recognition and appreciation of Josep Guardiola after the manager announced that he will leave FC Barcelona at the end of the season. The announcement was made this Friday during a joint press conference with President Sandro Rosell and football director Andoni Zubizarreta.

Writing for ESPN, Graham Hunter analyzes Guardiola’s trajectory at the Barça helm and traces the overall impact Guardiola has had on the sport: “That is to say anyone, at all, who loves soccer owes Pep Guardiola a debt for the style, the creativity, the thrills, the bravery and the inventiveness. Sure, Barca fans covet and treasure the trophies, but neutrals like the majority of us simply know that someone who revolutionized football has been among us for a short, dramatic space of time.”

Hunter goes on to make the case that Guardiola did, in fact, make the right decision to step aside after achieving unprecedented success in his relatively short tenure as Barça’s boss. “My view is that those who think that losing this season's Champions League semifinal and probably watching Madrid lift the title are reasons to delay departure are absolutely wrong,” writes Hunter. “[N]ow he has taken the correct decision ... Guardiola, in life as in football, sees things just a little differently. His decision to leave the club he passionately loves comes at a cost because sooner or later it will move him to tears. Count on that ... But he knows he has reached that moment in time that, if ignored, will bring errors, regret, ill health and possibly failure.”

Football writer and ESPN columnist Phil Ball explains how Guardiola raised his Club’s profile in the world of football: “it has been interesting to see just how the whole Barcelona image, internationally speaking, has changed since Guardiola took over back in June 2008. Before then, people were very aware of the club and its culture, of course. Now they're hyper-aware, not so much for the politico-cultural reasons but because of the footballing paradigm that Guardiola has helped create. Its impact has been massive, will continue to be, and the news last Friday that the architect of the edifice was not going to continue was akin to the resignation of a head of state.[...] He leaves on a wave of affection, but his departure should nevertheless mark a point of reflection for the club, and perhaps for La Liga in general.”


It's More Fun in the Philippines International TVC Launched in CNN

It's More Fun in the Philippines International TVC Launched in CNN

Barely four months after the Department of Tourism (DOT) revealed the country's newest tourism campaign "It's More Fun in the Philippines," the agency launches the campaign's official international TV commercial on, yes, CNN.

The said TVC, which featured disco house song 'Barbra Streisand' by Duck Sauce with rap by Pinoy Black Eyed Peas member, incorporates a collection of photos and videos showing why it's really more fun in the Philippines.

Watch ""It's More Fun in the Philippines" TVC below:

How about you? What will you come up with?

ABS-CBN Releases Statement on ‘It’s Showtime’ Rumored Ending

ABS-CBN Releases Statement on ‘It’s Showtime’ Rumored Ending

After rumors surfaced about ABS-CBN Management's decision to stop the airing of its daily noontime show "Its Showtime" due to its poor ratings (read related article HERE), the Kapamilya network, through Mr. Bong Osorio - Head of Corporate Communications Division - has released a statement refuting the said rumor.

The statement states that "Its Showtime" will remain to be the station's daily noontime show and will not be, anytime soon, replaced by other show nor it will be moved to an earlier timeslot.

Read the full statement below:

There is no truth to rumors that “It’s Showtime” will be replaced. ABS-CBN is neither replacing “It’s Showtime” with another program nor moving it back to its earlier timeslot.

In fact, “It’s Showtime” today, April 30 kicked-off the launch of its new segments starting with the multi-talent showdown among Filipino families following the inter-town grand finals last Saturday, April 28.

The viewing public can look forward to the launch of new entertainment segments in the coming days as ABS-CBN continues on its mission to bring fun and hope to the Filipinos here and in TFC markets worldwide.

–Bong R. Osorio, Head of ABS-CBN Corporate Communications

Mike Tan Gets His Biggest Break in GMA-7's "Unfaithful"

Mike Tan Gets His Biggest Break in GMA-7's "Unfaithful"

Truly, there is a right time for everything. And so with Mike Tan's career to reach the full stardom.

After winning as the Ultimate Male Survivor in the second batch of the reality show StarStruck, Mike went on to play supporting roles in different Kapuso drama programs like Sine Novela Maging Akin Ka Lamang, Maging Sino Ka Man, Trudis Liit, Kung Aagawin Mo ang Langit, Rosalinda to name a few until he finally given a leading man role in the hit primetime series Legacy where he gets a well-deserve recognition.

And now, Mike is about to get the biggest break of his career via GMA-7's upcoming dramaserye "Unfaithful".

Playing as his leading ladies are Maxene Magalona and Michelle Marigal.

Congratulations, Mike.

Empress, Ejay Falcon and Nikki Gil Caught in a Love Triangle

Empress, Ejay Falcon and Nikki Gil Caught in a Love Triangle

Empress, Nikki Gil, and Ejay Falcon’s characters in ABS-CBN’s Kapamilya Gold drama series “Mundo Man ay Magunaw” are caught in a love triangle as Jenny (Nikki) unintentionally falls in love with Niko (Ejay), the boyfriend of Sheryl (Empress).

Now that something is happening between the two persons closest to Sheryl’s hearts, will this spark tension among them? Will the friendship that Jenny and Sheryl built be destroyed by the other’s betrayal? Meanwhile, as the truth about Jenny’s identity is finally revealed, will his real father Dante (Emilio Garcia), fight for her against Doña Alicia La Peña (Tessie Tomas)?

Don’t miss the thrilling turn of events in “Mundo Man ay Magunaw,” weekdays at 2:30 pm, after “It’s Showtime” on ABS-CBN’s Kapamilya Gold.

For more updates, log on to, follow @abscbndotcom on Twitter, or ‘like their Facebook fan page

Josh Brolin Plays the Young Agent K in “Men in Black”

Josh Brolin Plays the Young Agent K in “Men in Black”

When Agent J (Will Smith) jumps back in time to 1969, he almost immediately comes into contact with the man who will become his partner in 25 or 30 years – Agent K. The filmmakers of Columbia Pictures' action adventure comedy “Men in Black 3” turned to Oscar-nominee Josh Brolin to build on Tommy Lee Jones’ performance as the older K to interpret and channel the character as a young man.

You’ll hear all the time a producer say, ‘Well, if we didn’t find this particular actor, we could never have cast the role’ – but that was never more true than with Josh playing this part,” says producer Walter F. Parkes. “You can find a picture of Tommy Lee Jones as a lineman for Harvard and compare to a picture of Josh Brolin in `Milk,' with his hair cut in an early-1970s style. It’s amazing – they’re dead ringers for each other. But it’s not just about how he looks. He had to deliver Tommy, but he couldn’t do an impersonation – he had to do an interpretation. I think his performance is one of the delights of the movie.”

Will and Tommy are an iconic duo,” says Brolin. “It wouldn’t work if another actor came in as a third wheel. But when they explained to me the plot of the film and my role – that J goes back in time to 1969 and I would play the young K – well, I’m in. I’m in without even thinking about it, because there’s a character I want to play.”

Being a part of this movie is crazy for me,” Brolin continues. “When you go see a great movie, like `Men In Black,' you’re in the audience thinking, ‘Wow, I want to be those guys.’ You want to be that cool, to have that chemistry with someone. And then you’re asked to do it – it’s like winning the lottery. When I put on the suit, it was the most surreal feeling in the world – I felt like Superman.”

In approaching his role, Brolin says he relied on a careful mix of actors’ tools. “I started with a caricature and whittled away from there,” Brolin explains. “But we really created our own thing. It was less about ‘How am I going to do Tommy?’ than finding a rendition of Tommy and then making it our own.

There’s a certain rapport or repartee that you’ll develop with an actor, and that becomes your timing, how you create,” co-star Will Smith says. “Josh had studied Tommy so well that there wasn’t a single missed beat when Josh came in. It was almost the identical chemistry, which is very difficult to come by.”

In the highly anticipated sequel “Men in Black 3,” Agents J and K are back... in time. J has seen some inexplicable things in his 15 years with the Men in Black, but nothing, not even aliens, perplexes him as much as his wry, reticent partner. But when K’s life and the fate of the planet are put at stake, Agent J will have to travel back in time to put things right. J discovers that there are secrets to the universe that K never told him -- secrets that will reveal themselves as he teams up with the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) to save his partner, the agency, and the future of humankind.

Opening across the Philippines on May 23 in 3D and regular theaters, “Men in Black 3” will be distributed by Columbia Pictures, local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International. Visit for trailers, exclusive content and free downloads. Like us at and join our fan contests.

‘Asia’s Next Top Model’ to Air on Studio 23

‘Asia’s Next Top Model’ to Air on Studio 23

Studio 23 has acquired the rights to air “Asia’s Next Top Model,” the Pan-Asian adaptation of the iconic international reality competition series “America’s Next Top Model.”

We are honored to be the official carrier of the Asian edition of the world’s most popular ultimate modeling competition, which is licensed in over 100 markets around the world,” said March Ventosa, head of Studio 23 and Cable Channels & Print Media Group (CCPMG). “We hope that the first winner in the prestigious competition will come from the Philippines.”

Filipinas will have the chance to compete in the fashion-themed reality program as it has opened casting calls to aspiring female models aged 18 to 27 years old, at least 5’7” in height, who speak and understand English, and are currently residing in the Philippines, or have a permanent address in the country. Application can be done via mail or online ( until May 21, 2012, 6 p.m. (Singapore time).

The show will be hosted by well-known celebrity and former international model/VJ/actress/presenter Nadya Hutagalung, who was voted one of “Singapore’s Top 20 Most Influential People” by CNN and awarded the “Best TV Host” title by ELLE Magazine Singapore in 2009.

In the next few weeks, the program will be announcing the coveted judging panel, official modeling agency and the show’s brand partners. Watch out for “Asia’s Next Top Model” airing soon on Studio 23.

Nicole Houde Arrest Followed After She Punched Her Boyfriend Scott Nickerson

Nicole Houde Arrest Followed After She Punched Her Boyfriend Scott Nickerson

Miss New Hampshire 2010 and former Miss USA contestant Nicole Houde has been arrested in Manchester, New Hampshire, for assaulting her boyfriend Scott Nickerson.

According to report by Lt. Michael Hurley, the two had an argument after the 33-year-old Nickerson accused the 26-year-old Houde of infidelity that led the beauty queen to bite, scratch, and punch her boyfriend.

Who is Barcelona's Player of the Season 2011-2012?

The Barcelona season has been marked by great highs and devastating lows to after last season’s La Liga and Champions League double, the Blaugrana appeared to be in little need of strengthening during the summer and yet they were linked with Giuseppe Rossi, Cesc Fabregas, Neymar, Alexis Sanchez and Javier Pastore among others and the other end, Fabregas and Alexis were the only notable arrivals at Camp Nou to the former bringing an end to one of the most tedious transfer sagas ever by finally securing a move home after eight years at Arsenal and the latter becoming the 1st Chilean to sign for Barca as part of a €26 million transfer from Udinese.

A Catalans looked set to sweep all before them, a suspicion which only intensified after racking up three titles by December in the Spanish Supercopa, Uefa Super Cup and the Club World Cup to were signs that all was not well with Barca, particularly when required to leave the fortress that is Camp Nou of a Blaugrana defeated Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabeu in the December Clasico but repeatedly slipped up on the road most unexpected of places and had fallen 10 points behind Los Blancos by March.

And the barca have conceded the fewest goals in La Liga this season and that is largely down to the hard work of captain Carles Puyol to the 24-year-old has already surpassed last season’s tally of 53 goals in all competition double against Rayo Vallecano to he has now notched a staggering 65 times in 56 games of a barca’s all-time record appearance holder, Xavi was shortlisted for the Ballon d’Or and although he missed out to team-mate Messi and he was included in Fifa’s Team of the Year.

Bato-bato sa Langit...

Ang company phone po ay hindi nauubusan ng load kasi post-paid sya.  There is also such a thing as call and text unlimited within the company circle.  Ang ibig sabihin po nito ay wala pong dahilan na di sumagot sa mga text at tawag na galing sa mga internal kustomer!  Manong man lang isang text para ma-acknowledge ang tawag at text sa iyo.  Pero kung ganyan rin lang na di ka sasagot e mas mabuti pang bawiin nalang sa iyo ang cellphone mo!  

Unless...wala kang maisagot kasi di mo alam ang trabaho this case, e dapat yatang tanggalin ka na sa trabaho kasi pabigat ka lang sa kumpanya!

Avengers: Nick Fury

I grew up reading comic books.  I practically learned the English language reading Spider-man, Batman, Incredible Hulk, Superman, Green Lantern, and yes---Avengers comics.  

Movies eventually gave real life personification to these characters and I have indulged myself in almost every film depicting my favorite superhero.  However, I get irked when the characters I knew from my childhood are defined contrary to the way I knew them.  One such character is Nick Fury.

David Hasselhoff played Nick Fury in the Fox TV movie
Nick Fury:  Agent of SHIELD 
Nick Fury is a fictional World War II army hero and present day super-spy.  He is actually a contemporary of Captain America which leads you to wonder why in the hell is he still alive to this day.  Well, if Captain America was injected super soldier serum, Nick Fury was on an anti-aging serum---Infinity Formula--- that practically stunted his aging process.  He has no super power but he is a master strategist and a born leader with a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a brown belt in Jiu Jitsu.  He is a war veteran of World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and other unspoken of conflicts where he lent his consultancy and went on missions in.

Well, I knew Nick Fury as a cigar chomping bad ass with an eye patch---and he was a WHITE DUDE!  This is why I was taken aback when he was portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson in Iron Man 2.  Obviously I'm no longer attuned to the latest in the comics world and did not know that this version of Nick Fury existed in a Marvel parallel universe.  This version of Nick Fury debuted in Ultimate Marvel Team-ups #5 (August 2001).

Pinto: “Tito has our support”

Jose Manuel Pinto took over from Valdes in goal at the weekend and speaking to the press today he insisted: “Tito Vilanova has the strength and character” to take charge next season.

Pinto wants Messi to win the Pitxitxi: “if he wins, the whole team wins”.

Josep Guardiola’s farewell and Tito Vilanova’s appointment was at the heart of José Manuel Pinto’s press conference this morning and the keeper explained: “I completely understand what Guardiola has done. He takes everything very seriously and that takes a big toll mentally. You can’t compare them, but Tito has the character and strength, as well as our full backing”..

Asked if the changeover would affect the team’s performance, Pinto replied: “I don’t think much will change because the two of them share the same vision. We are all relaxed about it and we are right behind Tito and his way of looking at football”. Pinto didn’t want to hear talk about the end of an era, insisting: “Only time will tell”.

Pinto did admit however, that: “all of us have been affected by the news and we’ve all felt bad about it”.

The keeper also believes that Messi can win the Pichichi as the league’s highest scorer this season: “I want Messi to win –if he wins, the whole team wins. If he scores, it’s down to the work the whole team have put in”. Pinto also insisted that Víctor Valdés, who is guaranteed the Zamora as the keeper who’s conceded least goals this season if he plays no more league games this campaign: “is the keeper who most deserves it”. (via

[Former player] Deco: "Neymar, the level of Messi and Cristiano"

The former Barça player said in an interview with FIFA Neymar falls short of Messi and Cristiano.

One of the key players Barça of Rijkaard, that so many good titles won but ended up in a crisis that led to the signing of Guardiola as coach, is Deco. The player of 34 years gave an interview to

The Portuguese environment compared Bombonera for Boca in the Camp Nou. Two stages to intimidate the other teams, "teams from other countries came to Camp Nou and intimidated by the size of the stadium, the mystique and the number of people, while Spanish teams and were more accustomed. I think it's same with the Bombonera: Sometimes, some foreign teams that are even better than some Argentines, have more difficulties there because they are impressed with the environment is, indeed, impressive. "

From their position and play on the field, Deco admitted that since childhood has always been responsible for the construction of the plays, and that the global example of this is Barça: "Building a play that ends in goal has always filled me both as dial. course, over time, I also changed my style. not only for having lost in explosion physics and starts, but because I learned a lot about the collective game. A good example is the Barcelona always have great players but nobody ever haggle just for bargain, only when necessary. "

Of course, Deco remembered his time with Rijkaard and the current Barça model of world football paradigm: "Barcelona is a club whose teams vary according to the players, but in that culture does not change. And this concept of playing the ball has reached perfection with Guardiola, who is someone who knows the culture. the big difference with this team is that our players have these characteristics in all positions, while we had about four or five. it's amazing: the most skilled players of Barça do not send the ball up if you may lose, but they touch. And that requires not only quality, too mentality. "

On a future possibility Barça, Neymar says he is at the level of Messi and Cristiano, and it will look when you take the leap to Europe: "Neymar, in my view, already at that level. Has in common with the other two that ability to score so many goals, despite not being a center forward. I think if he were at Real Madrid or Barcelona, it would still more than it does today, because they have better players at his side, a better structure ... We must take into account the proportions: on the one hand, it is clear that the technical level of Brazil does not reach a semifinal of the Champions League of UEFA, but also need to address different problems. it is not easier or more difficult: it is different. Thinking only at the technical level, in my opinion falls short of a Messi or a Cristiano. " (via SPORT)

Derby game against Espanyol scheduled for 21.00 on May 5th

The derby game at the Camp Nou against Espanyol will kick off at 21.00 this Saturday.

Guardiola’s team’s last home game this season.

The Spanish League have published the kick off times for next weekend’s round of games - week 37 – and FC Barcelona will play city neighbours Espanyol at nine o’clock on Saturday night. With the team also facing Malaga at the Camp Nou on Wednesday night (20.00), this will be the second game at the stadium in four days and will also be Guardiola’s last home game in charge of the team.

Barça have two more games to play following the derby game – their final league match away to Betis (exact date and time to be confirmed) and the Spanish Cup Final against Athletic Bilbao on Friday May 25th at the Vicente Calderon Stadium in Madrid. (via

Alexis knock makes him doubt for Wednesday

Alexis has picked up a knock on his left leg and he will be kept under observation before a decision is made as to his availability for Wednesday’s game against Malaga.

Victor Valdes also missed training today, under the weather with fever.

The squad trained this Monday lunchtime after their big win against Rayo, but two big names were missing: Alexis, who picked up a knock on his left leg, and Valdes, who is ill. The Chilean hit man is doubtful for Wednesday’s game, though the Club doctors are keeping him under observation before making a final decision.

The players who figured on Sunday were given a gentle session, whilst the rest of the squad began preparations for Wednesday night’s game, along with 10 B team players - Bartra, Tello and Montoya –who were included in the squad for the Rayo game- and Rodri, Carmona, Oriol Rosell, Espinosa, Lobato, Sergi Gómez and Masip. (via

Guardiola: “Each game serves as preparation for the final”

The Barça manager is very pleased with the attitude of his players after the team beat Rayo Vallecano 7-0 at Vallecas. The manager says that the remaining games in La Liga will serve his team to prepare for the final of the King’s Cup on May 25th.

Guardiola praised Pinto’s performance: “Like always, he played very well”.

Josep Guardiola said that this Sunday’s match against Rayo Vallecano was “a demonstration” of what type of team Barça have been in recent years. “A football game is always useful for a lot of things. We know that Madrid are champions [of La Liga], and that this match was a demonstration of what this team is and have been. My players played a very serious game and they were on form throughout the whole match,” he said.

He added: “the team ran a lot, and they played a serious game against a team that’s fighting to stay in the Primera División. The players know that we’re preparing ourselves for a final and that everything has its worth. Every match counts.” Guardiola also said that his players are pleased after having scored seven goals in today’s game. “I have the impression that we have scored a lot of goals over the years. They are all welcome,” he said.

Pedro, with two goals, was one of Barça’s most lethal men in tonight’s match. The Barça manager highlighted the Spaniard’s performance: “I appreciate him a lot. We started in Third Division together, and I know him well. It’s true that his injuries have stopped him from playing more this season. I’m very pleased with his performance, for his two goals, and for the passes he gave. Also, for the way he moved on the pitch.”

He also talked about why he included José Manuel Pinto in today’s starting line-up: “if he’s on form he’ll play the final. Therefore, I prefer that he gets a bit of playing time on a pitch that’s not very easy to interpret. Like always, he played very well.”

On his decision to leave the Club next season, Guardiola said that Barça is his home: “it’s my home, and in the end I knew that it was over. The Club is healthy, and the team is young, Tito knows them perfectly and I’m convinced that Barça will compete for everything.”

Lastly, the Barça manager apologized to Rayo Vallecano’s fans for Thiago and Alves’ celebration after Barça’s fifth goal. “It won’t happen again,” said Guardiola. (via

Avengers Mania Hits the Philippines

The Avengers movie is definitely a box office hit here in the Philippines!  SM, the leading mall in the country, is showing the film by the bulk!  Just look at the percentage of Avengers film shown at SM Fairview.  This film is definitely making a killing here in the Philippines!

[Youth] The cantera azulgrana still unbeaten for the third consecutive week

The balance of the day shows the quality of football Barça formative: 9 wins in 11 games.

Cadete B is one step to become league champions. If next week is imposed on the Cornellà will take the title, when there are still 4 games left.

The formative football teams have played 3 tournaments this week. The Alevín A and Alevín C were proclaimed champions and has been runner Benjamin B.

Third consecutive win Juvenil B, this time against the Mercantil home, which helps the azulgranas face the final stage of the competition as solo leaders with 70 points. García Pimienta and Marc Guitart's team authoritatively dominated the first half and went into halftime leading by 0-2 with goals from Iu and Munir, although the difference could have been enhanced by the many times he had. After the break, the local distances pressed and cut to 1-2, but the azulgranas sealed the game with another goal from Iu, who signed and a double and rounded the day.

Second consecutive Cadete A, which continues leading the División de Honor Cadete to six points clear of second-placed Espanyol. The home side ahead in the scoring with a goal from Carlos Blanco in the 12th minute, but the guys from Quique Álvarez and Ramon Ros quickly tied with a bit of Sanabria, and hit back with another target of Albert Thomas just 4 minutes later. Mohamed finished the first time round, and resumed it was he who signed the 1-4 in the first minutes of the second half. Alex Corredera and Juan Antonio Entrena rounding ended the day with two more goals.

Cadete B incontestable win against ranked junior in the table. The group led by Fran Artiga and Andres Martin was far superior to its rival over the two days, and enjoyed times since the start of the meeting. A hat-trick Alexis Meva and a goal Paik left sentenced the first part and resumed, Ferran and a new target of Alexis finished the scoring round. This new victory allows Barça dream of the title of the regular competition because if they win next week in the field of mathematical Cornellà be proclaimed champions of la Liga Preferente Cadete, in the absence of 4 games left.

Very complicated and contested match between the leader of the classification, FC Barcelona, the second-placed Espanyol, which generated strong buzz and gathered a good number of spectators. The shock was very close, especially in the first half, in which Barça failed to generate occasions due to strong Espanyol defense. In the second half, the team of Fran Sanchez and Xavi Franquesa took control of the game, but the good performance of goalkeeper prevented the Infantil A open the scoring. Despite the draw, Barça still in the lead with two points ahead of Espanyol and a game.

Exhibition goleadora of Infantil B at the Ciudad Deportiva Joan Gamper. The azulgranas had many opportunities throughout the match, until the bright Lluis Mangas opened on 19 minutes the first time. Mboula scored the second just two minutes later and Viedma materialized a penalty in the final minute of the first period that left the party quite sentenced to 3-0 at the break. The second half continued with azulgrana domain, and two more goals, Juli and John Cruz, finished the day round.

(El Álamo - Madrid)
Alevín A champion of the eighteenth edition of Youth Football Tournament El Álamo, held in Madrid. The team of Marcel Sans and Isaac García was first in the group stage, after facing level as rivals Getafe. In the quarterfinals the azulgranas faced off with the Alcala, who won by 3-0 after a very good first half, and the semifinals were imposed at Valencia, also on the score of 3-0. In the finals were tied with Rayo Vallecano (1-1), but took the title by overcoming in the round of penalties. Great experience for Barça, which by their good play was just awarded the tournament

Sixth straight victory from the guys at Jordi Font and Jordi Puig in the Primera Division Alevín. This time the azulgranas were imposed on the Gramanet in a match they dominated from start to finish. The Alevín B offered a sample of good football and enjoyed many times thanks to the rapid movement of the ball and strong intensity with which they left the pitch. The entire barcelonista could have won by an even greater distance, as several balls crashed to the bottom, but eventually took the win 0-7 with goals from Albert Portas (2), Pere (2), Oriol Verdaguer, Oriol Solina and Labinot.

The team of Álex Gómez and Alexis Pintó became champion of the City Council of Cerceda VI Tournament, played in Galicia on 28 April. The azulgranas finished first in the group after playing intense games against rivals Deportivo La Coruña. In the semifinals, the Alevín C was faces with Celta de Vigo, a very fast, and in the end defeated the Mountaineers to 5-0. Barça knew face pressure throughout the tournament with great intensity and with a very complete game, allowing them to obtain possession of the ball in most matches. FC Barcelona dedicated the victory to Tow, invite them to the concert was the Catalan group in Galicia, and the good treatment received by both singers.

Undisputed domain Alevín D against el Prat, one of the teams classification colistas. The game for the 25th round of Group 2 of the Second Division was a monologue Alevín azulgrana from the start. The group led by Xavi Bravo and Oscar Hernandez had many chances to score throughout the match, and finally beat his opponent by a resounding 13-0 thanks to goals from Kenneth Soler (5), Juan Julián Mahicas (3) Daniel (2), Roger Vegas, Jose Álvarez and Nil.

(Xilxes - Castellón)
Good azulgrana representation in the City Tournament VI Xilxes held in Castellón. The Benjamin B finished second after losing in overtime in the final against Real Madrid on a tight 3-2. The final match was hotly contested and either team could have taken the title, but was eventually to Madrid. However, azulgranas coaches, Sergi Milá and Òscar Jorquera, are very happy with the outcome of the tournament and the game of Benjamín B, as the azulgrana equipment finished first in the group stage and won the semifinals with authority by 5-2 to Levante.

The guys from Jordi Pérez and David Sanchez played a friendly match this week against el Vila Olímpica B, a team a year older that is in the top of the second division Benjamin in group 5. The azulgranas faced secured the match and had to make a good game at the team level to overcome his rival. The Benjamín D was very attentive throughout the confrontation, both in terms of offensive and defensive in and through this work and intensity beat a tough opponent. This match served to set barcelonista in preparation for the tournament to be played Puig Reig on Tuesday May 1.




Puyol served as captain and ruined the dance of Thiago and Alves after the fifth goal

The image of the game came after the fifth goal achieved by Thiago Alcántara, who was a little dance with teammate Dani Alves. Captain Puyol came quickly to stop this action to consider a lack of respect for players and fans of Rayo. The public is angry and rebuked the Brazilian side with some even throwing objects onto the field.

Sandoval: "Why not dance Thiago Alves and when Torres scored in the Camp Nou?"

Rayo Vallecano coach was dispatched at home in the radio program 'Fora de joc' chain Ona FM: "I do not understand why Alves and Thiago did not dance when Torres scored in the Camp Nou," referring to the dance of both players in Barcelona's fifth goal in Vallecas.

José Ramón Sandoval did not hide his displeasure at this action, stating: "In your home take the jam and I mean in the face, then if something happens is the fault of the public ...". The coach was visibly hurt rayista big defeat for his team. "We employ a very short," he complained.

Sandoval talked about rival coach: "Guardiola is great as a coach and better person. Is humility personified, people should look into it."

Concerning the statements of Karanka after learning that Guardiola would not in front of Barcelona, Sandoval said, "Everyone is a prisoner of his words. I would argue the opposite of him."

Rayista coach also spoke about the suspicions of the matches intrigues LFP: "If la LIga has been suspected of rigging in some games there must be. Some recent results are a bit strange." (via Marca)

Alexis has a bruised left thigh

Alexis has a bruised left thigh and developments mark the date available for the match against Málaga.

‘The Avengers’ Makes P281-M in 5 Days, Biggest Opening Ever in PHL Box-Office History

‘The Avengers’ Makes P281-M in 5 Days, Biggest Opening Ever in PHL Box-Office History

It’s the superhero team up of a lifetime. Now, it’s shaping up to be the highest-grossing film – for all time!

Marvel’s The Avengers” rewrote Philippine box-office record books when it grossed a monumental P281-million opening weekend gross nationwide – the biggest debut ever in history, this was revealed by Victor R. Cabrera, managing director of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Philippines.

It’s practically a box office tsunami that has so far drowned, wiped out and rewritten every local record in its first five days of play,” adds Cabrera.

Foremost of the records to fall is the highest opening weekend, previously set by “Spider-Man 3” at P236-million (a benchmark set in 6 days back in 2007).

Since it opened last Wednesday, April 25, “Marvel’s The Avengers” has surpassed daily records in its path set by various blockbusters:

Biggest Wednesday Ever: P56.6-M, beating “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’s” P55.4-M.

Biggest Thursday Ever: P44.1M, smashing “Spider-man 3’s P28.4-M

Biggest Friday Ever: P45.3-M, outgrossing “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1’s” P44.1-M.

Biggest Saturday Ever: P66.4-M, breaking “Transformers: Dark of the Moon’s” P60.8-M.

Biggest Sunday Ever: P68.5M, outlasting “Transformers: Dark of the Moon’s” P60.8M. Sunday’s receipts for “The Avengers” also now holds the distinction of the all-time biggest single-day gross in the country.

Other milestones achieved were fastest time to cross the P100-million mark (in only two days) and P200-million (four days).

With another non-working holiday looming tomorrow, May 1, box office sales for “The Avengers” may be set for more records.

Playing in almost 500 screens, “The Avengers” posted the biggest sales in SM North EDSA (P17.85-M), SM Mall of Asia (P15.02-M), SM Megamall (P12.51-M), Trinoma (P10.27-M), SM Cebu (P9.53-M), Glorietta 4 (P7.60-M), SM Southmall (P6.76-M), Newport City (P6.64-M) and SM Fairview (P6.63-M).

Rounding out the Top 20 cinemas are Gateway (P6.06-M), Eastwood (P5.58-M), Power Plant (P5.49-M), Greenbelt 3 (P5.13-M), Festival Mall (P5.08-M), Robinsons Ermita (P4.77-M), Robinsons Galleria (P4.73-M), Alabang Town Center (P4.63-M), Market! Market! (P4.50-M), Shang Cineplex (P4.30-M) and Ayala Cinemas Cebu (P4.27-M).

Overseas, the superhero film also bowed in 38 other territories and has brought in a whopping $178.4 million since opening April 25. It opened at No.1 in every single one of those territories while setting opening weekend records in many South and Central American countries. Some of the individual numbers include $24.7 million from the UK, $19.7 million from Australia, $15.9 million from Mexico and $12.9 million from Korea.

Marvel Studios presents “Marvel’s The Avengers” - the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.

Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Tom Hiddleston, with Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, and directed by Joss Whedon, “Marvel’s The Avengers” is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963 and a comics institution ever since. “Marvel’s The Avengers” is from Marvel Studios in association with Paramount Pictures, produced by Kevin Feige and directed by Joss Whedon from a story by Zak Penn and Joss Whedon with screenplay by Joss Whedon.

Now playing across the Philippines in Digital IMAX 3D, Digital 3D and regular format, “Marvel’s The Avengers” is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International through Columbia Pictures.

Selena Gomez Ad for Her Namesake Perfume

Selena Gomez Ad for Her Namesake Perfume

A wet Selena Gomez was photographed submerged in a fish tank wearing a purple strapless gown for her namesake fragrance "Selena Gomez" campaign shoot.

"Selena Gomez," which purple bottle is designed to look exactly like her and features bundle of playful lips sprouting from the cap - to represent her kisses, was all about her fans according to Justin Bieber's girl,

They’re the ones wearing it, so I trust them — their opinions and everything that they’ve done for me,” Selena tells Us Weekly.

"Selena Gomez" is available in raspberry, purple freesia and vanilla scents.

[Youth] Juvenil A try to win the title of the Champions Cup

Òscar Garcia's team begins the eighteenth edition of the tournament on Monday at 18:30 h. against Espanyol.

The competition brings together the winners of the seven groups of the División de Honor Juvenil, and the best runner of all groups, FC Barcelona.

After finishing second in the División de Honor Juvenil, Òscar García's team now has a new challenge ahead: try to take the XVIII Champions Cup, which begins on Monday April 30 in Lepe, Huelva, and will last until 5 May. Participate in this tournament champions of the seven groups of the División de Honor, plus the best runner of all groups, which in this case is the Juvenil A of Barça, as is the team that has won more points of those who have occupied the second position of the table.

FC Barcelona has experience in this competition. The guys have played Òscar García seven finals of the Champions Cup, which have won three in 2004/05 season in 2008/09 and the previous year, in 2010/11. Thus, the whole attempt to defend the title Barca to put the fourth trophy to their cabinets.

Espanyol will be the first opponent to that Barca will face this Monday at 18.30. If the azulgranas take the victory, will play the semifinals on Wednesday May 2, and, if overcome, the final will take place on May 5th at 18h.

All teams will stay at the Islantilla Hotel & Spa, and the matches will be played at Estadio Ciudad de Lepe, host city for the second year the tournament. (via

Keita opened the door to Thiago Silva

The Italian press has become a hive of continuous rumors at this end of season.

For months the option that Seydou Keita ends up being a new player of Milan is one of the most recurrent news. The Malian footballer environment has confirmed the interest of Massimo Allegri's squad, but also pointed out that there is no formal offer to the player and no one has addressed yet Barça to negotiate the relevant transfer.

In Italy also ensure that the operation would be feasible including a second player. This is Thiago Silva. Rumors collect the interest of Barcelona by the Brazilian center-backl and its will cheapen a more expensive operation than drawing out of Seydou Keita. No further details that the interest and desire of all parties, but the fact is that there would be time to open negotiations and concrete figures.

By the way, and while the patient waiting Milan, several teams of Premier have also moved the card and have targeted the environment to probe player's will. (via SPORT)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dingdong Dantes Confirms Pregnancy Rumor of Her Special Girl, Could it be Marian Rivera?

Dingdong Dantes Confirms Pregnancy Rumor of Her Special Girl, Could it be Marian Rivera?

Rumor has it for several weeks now that Kapuso primetime queen Marian Rivera is in interesting stage courtesy of her reel and real life boyfriend Dingdong Dantes.

Marian denied the rumor several times but Dingdong now speaks of the truth.
Is Marian really pregnant?

The answer is a big NO!

Although Dingdong admitted that someone closest to her is currently expecting to deliver a baby anytime soon, the girl couldn't, in any way, be Marian.

In his "Showbiz Central" phone patch interview on Sunday, Dingdong shared that "I have a sister who’s pregnant sa kanyang pangalawang baby."

When asked if he’s now ready to become a father, Dingdong simply said, "You know what, everything in God’s plan."

Arianny Celeste Covers FHM Philippines May 2012 Issue

Arianny Celeste Covers FHM Philippines May 2012 Issue

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Octagon girl Arianny Celeste appears topless on the cover of FHM Philippines Magazine May 2012 issue.

On the cover, the MexiPinay model can be seen wearing only a tiny lace panty, with her hands cupping her ample breasts in the photo shot by famous Pinoy veteran photographer Xander Angeles.

This is not the first time Arianny appeared on the cover of men’s magazine. She was the May 2012 cover girl of Maxim where she was incidentally voted as the magazine's “The Hottest UFC Octagon Girl”. Celeste has also appeared in the covers of Sports Illustrated and Playboy magazines.

FHM Philippines Magazine May 2012 issue is now available at all magazine stands and selected bookstores and supermarkets nationwide.

‘Himig Handog Love Songs 2012’ Songwriting Competition is On!

‘Himig Handog Love Songs 2012’ Songwriting Competition is On!

Himig Handog,” the country’s premiere songwriting competition returns to the music scene this year to once again discover talented composers whose works are set to be the next OPM classics.

Now on its 5th year, “Himig Handog” paves the way for amateur and professional Filipino songwriters, here and abroad, to showcase their exceptional flair for creating beautiful music in any popular music genre or a fusion of known genres.

“Himig Handog” is Philippines’ first interactive multimedia songwriting tilt launched by ABS-CBN in 2000 originally to pay tribute to the overseas Filipino workers. It was then called “Himig Handog sa Bayaning Pilipino.” In its second year, it celebrated youth power through “JAM: Himig Handog sa Makabagong Kabataan 2001.” Then for the third and fourth tilts in 2002 and 2003, it opened its doors for the romantic lyricists in “Himig Handog Love Songs.”

Interested composers can now start preparing for their possible love song entries as the official announcement of “Himig Handog 2012” contest mechanics draws near.

Eva Green, a Vengeful Witch in “Dark Shadows”

Eva Green, a Vengeful Witch in “Dark Shadows”

Eva Green (“Kingdom of Heaven,” “Casino Royale”) stars as Angelique Bouchard, a witch who knows how to hold a grudge, in Warner Bros.' new black comedy “Dark Shadows.”

In the film, Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp), an 18th-century lothario, breaks the heart of a heartless witch by the name of Angelique. When Barnabas declares his love for another, the ethereal Josette (Bella Heathcote), Angelique exacts her revenge on both of them: taking Josette’s life while giving Barnabas an eternal one as a vampire. It’s not much of a life, however, as she proceeds to bury him in a coffin forever…or at least the foreseeable future.

“Director Tim Burton kept asking, ‘What if there was this tremendous fight brewing between this man and woman, who each have supernatural abilities, for 200 years?’” screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith remembers. “And that’s basically what we see towards the end of the film, the tension that has been brewing for the entire movie - sexual tension, financial tension, physical pure hatred of each other. I mean, after all she did lock Barnabas in a box for two centuries!

Angelique’s our villain,” producer Graham King says. “She just wants Barnabas at any cost and has the power to do that, so it’s a fantastic role for Eva Green to get her teeth into and she’s amazing.”

Everything is magnified with her - her pain, her desire, her vengeance,” Green remarks. “It’s such an outrageous character, but I don’t see her as necessarily evil. Her heart was broken, and when Barnabas re-emerges, it’s overwhelming for Angelique. She’s at the height of her power and yet she’s very vulnerable because Barnabas is her weak point. She’s convinced he loves her as much as she loves him, but he won’t admit it. She wants to own him, to possess every bit of him.”

Eva was the first person that came to my mind for Angelique,” Burton offers. “I was so happy to have her in the role because she ended up bringing much more to it than even I imagined. She had great ideas, was real fun to work with and surprised me every day.”

I’ve always been a fan of Tim’s,” Green says. “He’s so creative, but also open to suggestions, which is wonderful for an actor. We had the same understanding of Angelique’s character. He never treated her like a one-dimensional villain; he got her pain.”

Angelique is a woman who has changed with the times. During the 18th century, Angelique was a dark-haired servant girl. As Angie, the CEO of Angel Bay, she’s a successful blonde businesswoman. “Tim wanted her to look like the American dream,” says Green. “Everything about her is perfect. Too perfect. Perfect makeup, red lips, platinum hair. She’s very glamorous yet sophisticated. But, little by little, from the moment Barnabas escapes from his tomb, her facade starts to crack.”

Opening across the Philippines on May 10, “Dark Shadows” is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

Jonah Hill, a Nerd Who's Suddenly Cool in “21 Jump Street”

Jonah Hill, a Nerd Who's Suddenly Cool in “21 Jump Street”

Jonah Hill has quickly become one of Hollywood’s most sought-after talents, due in part to his dynamic evolution from laugh-out-loud comedy star to Golden Globe, SAG, and Academy Award® nominee for Best Supporting Actor in 2011 for his role in Moneyball, in which he starred opposite Brad Pitt.

Now, he makes a successful return to the comedy genre with Columbia Pictures' “21 Jump Street,” an R-13-rated movie that took Hollywood box office by storm.

In the film, Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) were enemies in high school who became unlikely friends in Police Academy. While they may not be the best cops on the beat, they have a chance to turn it around when they join the police department's secret Jump Street unit, run by Captain Dickson (Ice Cube). They trade in their guns and badges for backpacks and use their youthful appearances to go high school!

Jonah Hill's character, Schmidt, is a onetime nerd who finds himself suddenly cool for the first time in his life. “It’s one of the more interesting characters I’ve played,” says the actor. “He just wants to be a good cop, but he has insecurities that date all the way back to high school. When he gets sent back to high school, undercover, he gets drunk with power, forgets about police work, forgets about his friendship with Jenko. He likes living this fake high school life – better than the life he has as a guy in his mid-20s.” So in essence it’s the story of a guy who gets lost in his moment in the sun.

Hill, who's also credited as executive producer of “21 Jump Street,” says that the film started with a simple question: "What would it be like to relieve the most important time period of your youth... high school. You think you have all the answers that you didn't have then, but then you get back there and realize those answers are all wrong. You then immediately revert back to the insecurities and problems you had when you were seventeen."

Hill wrote the story with Michael Bacall, who wrote the screenplay. “At first, nothing goes as planned for the characters. These guys treat it like wish fulfillment – ‘Oh, if I only knew then what I know now,’” Bacall explains. “But all of the information that they have no longer applies. Jenko – who was always the cool kid back then – falls in with the nerds, and Schmidt – the nerdier of the two – falls in with the cool crowd. It’s a total role reversal.”

According to Hill, the fact that the show has been off the air for a generation worked to their advantage in devising the story and the tone. “I’ll meet teenagers and I’ll ask them if they know the series – they don’t,” he says. “So I tell them it’s about young-looking cops who go undercover in a high school, and they say, ‘That sounds awesome.’ It’s such a great premise for an action-comedy.

Opening across the Philippines on May 9, “21 Jump Street” will be distributed in the Philippines by Columbia Pictures, local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International. Visit for trailers, exclusive content and free downloads. Like us at and join our fan contests.

Boy Abunda "Salamat Nanay" TVC (This melts my heart)

Boy Abunda "Salamat Nanay" TVC (This melts my heart)

Just like Boy Abunda, I myself is a self-confessed Nanay's Boy. Don't get me wrong. I love my Tatay as much as I love Nanay. Both of them are equally dear to me. But who and what I am now is a major part of what Nanay taught me to become. She helped me built dreams (and still keep on pushing me to remain a good part of the society) and showed me ways how to achieved them.

So when I chanced upon this Tito Boy's heartwarming TVC for Procter and Gamble (P&G) titled "Salamat Nanay", I can't help but to cry....and cry, knowing that, just like Tito Boy, it kills me to realize that my foundation of strength and love could be taken away from us God knows when.

If it's not yet too late, let's show our Nanay and Tatay that we love them. Kiss them, hug them. If the distance prevent you from doing such, send them text message of love.

Boy Abunda "Salamat Nanay" TVC Behind-the-Scene:

Video: ThankYouMomPH on YouTube

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