Duffy is doing okay and should be ready for the Boyzone tour which kicks off on May 25th.
As far as the marathon is concerned he finished the course in 3 hours and 50 minutes but said afterwards, "Never again!" He had stomach pains during the race.
"I think Amy is finally coming round to seeing that the marriage just isn't worth it. She's getting cleaned up, which says a lot, and she's really put her mind to getting her life back together. So I'd be devastated if she got back with him. She doesn't need Blake in her life. She is getting used to the fact that he's not good for her."Marilyn Chambers
"We want to apologize to all the fans who attended our Vancouver show tonight for the brief pause in Britney's set. Crew members above the stage became ill due to a ventilation issue."Britney left the stage after about 15 minutes and returned half an hour later. According to The Vancouver Sun a message was given out saying, "It’s become uncomfortable and unsafe for the performers, including Ms. Spears. The show will resume as soon as the air around the stage is clear. The performance will not proceed until the air clears."
"When we clear the media smokescreen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today.It's really hard to disagree with this. Though she was almost revered at the end for her definite bravery in the face of cancer, and became almost a cult hero, only a short while previously most of us were criticising her with headlines such as Jade Goody Fight Turns Ugly and Jade Goody Worse For Wear - Again.
She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know both drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile.
Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and, from that point on, became a media chattel to be manipulated and exploited till the day she died."