Lauren Jones spent a month learning how to be a news anchor earlier this year at KYTX in Tyler, Texas. This was filmed and is to have it's Anchorwoman debut on Wednesday.
Lauren, born on August 27th,1982 in Jackson, Mississippi says, "The story isn't about an underdog. It's about a woman [me] who was given a chance to fulfill a lifelong passion."
What's really upset others in the news industry is the fact that she was good! So good, in fact, that the station offered her a permanent job plus she's now in talks with other stations about regular anchoring jobs.
Lauren Jones goes on to say, about the controversy caused, "Look at all the women you see in broadcast journalism. A great many of them come from nontraditional broadcast news backgrounds. So, for me, I've just been laughing the criticism off, and wondering what we're doing here that hasn't been done before."
So can anyone do the news? Let's see who else would we like to see do the news ...

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