Thursday, August 30, 2007

Celebrity Snippits

Dawn French
Dawn French has been dumped by Terry's Chocolate Orange. No longer will we see her in adverts saying, "It's not Terry's, it's mine."

It seems her face, or rather her body, is no longer right for Terrys. Dawn is considerably overweight and Trade Journal Marketing commented, "Insiders have speculated that French was no longer representing the right image for the company in the current climate of concerns over obesity and health."

Katie Price
Jordan, who is now back to her real name of Katie Price, is trying to register her name as a trademark for a range of hair products. If you object to her registering 'Katie Price' as a trademark you have 3 months to say so.

Sam and Amanda Marchant
It looks as if Sam and Amanda Marchant will win the UK version of Big Brother. The bookies have them way out in front with Brian in second place. The final is on Friday evening.

Amy Winehouse
The Daily Star reports that Amy Winehouse and her husband Blake Fielder-Civil are trying for a baby. Amy thinks this is the best way to put her troubles behind her.

No, Amy. Get clean and your life sorted first. Children can't be used in this way. They are for life, not just a passing fancy.

Jesse Metcalfe
Nadine Coyle's ex Jesse Metcalfe has had a new tattoo showing a naked Nadine lassooing his heart. The couple broke up in April. Jesse says, "Everyone has their heart broken. This is just a reminder not to let it happen again."

Anita Harding
The model Anita Harding committed suicide after the death of her fiance. She was pregnant and is understood to have died through a drug overdose. She was only 20.

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