Sunday, August 19, 2007

Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen Cancelled Concerts

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse has put her touring on hold 'until further notice in order to address her health issues' according to her website. She has recently pulled out of various concerts, including this weeks V Festival.

When she appeared in Baltimore this month the Washington Post described her as looking 'something like a tattooed skeleton in skimpy khaki shorts and midriff-baring tank top.'

Lily AllenLily Allen
Lily Allen has also cancelled her U.S. tour but had no choice. Her visa has been revoked - this followed her being detained for over five hours and Los Angeles customs when she arrived there from Australia.

Lily Allen stated, "I am so disappointed that I won't be able to come to the States at this time. I was really looking forward to playing these shows and being part of the Video Music Awards. I want my fans to know I'll be back as soon as I possibly can!"

We previously published a photo of Lily's sick certificate here.

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