Friday, July 3, 2009

Peter Andre Talks About His Split With Katie Price

Peter AndrePeter Andre has been talking today on Radio 1 to Chris Moyles. He said of the weeks since his split with Katie Price, "I'm not going to lie. It's been the worst two or three months of my life. But then again, you've got to get on with it really.

There's a lot to it. I definitely knew what I had to do. I'm obviously never mentioning the reasons, but there's not just one reason, there's a number of reasons."

When asked if he may ever get back with Katie Peter replied, "No. No, what's done is done."

He hoped that they could be friends and that part of him will always love Katie, "For every bad (thing) that somebody has, there's a lot of good. For the sake of my children I very much hope so. I can see us being friends again."

Peter denied any current relationships and said, "My head's not even gone there yet." Whatever that means!

Ad: Helen Flanagan Pictures. Pics and bio of Helen Flanagan and in her role as Rosie Webster on Coronation Street


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