Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Barça goes for Llorente

Barça could recover next figure of the striker who disappeared with the departure of Ibra. Llorente is the one.

The technical secretariat of FC Barcelona, ​​under the responsibility of Andoni Zubizarreta, is actively working, but with the utmost discretion in the way Fernando Llorente, center front of Athletic Bilbao and the Spanish team.

The nine rojiblanco, who turned 27 last February, has become part of the list of priorities to face Barça of next season, which are also included, primarily, a central and left back.

Interest in Llorente, which have also been interested different clubs in the Premier League and Real Madrid, it might seem a contradiction given that two seasons ago the club decided to dispense with a center forward like Ibrahimovic born for the benefit of Messi who went on to play since then what has been called "lying center forward."

The reason must be sought in what experts call "tactical changes", ie to improve or change a system that has worked very well but, over time, has quit or been known to be offset by opposing teams.

While it is true that Messi has never shown much capacity as the season scoring (65 goals so far in ten months of competition), for some time have found some problems in the Barça game that need needle and thread.

Messi has been playing more and more backward, starting the play almost as a creator more. It has been customary image of FC Barcelona without a single player in the central defenders of the opposing teams, but when Alexis has made this role between the lines.

The absence of a center forward in the old style, type Eto'o or Ibrahimovic, has caused much of the game on the wings is sterile, because of little or no focus from the lime used if there is nobody to finish, beyond arrivals from the second line, which has often been the norm in recent times in the game ofnsivo azulgrana.

The enormous difficulties that the club has had to overcome the defenses ultranzas Chelsea or Real Madrid in recent games has resulted from the technical direction of the first team has raised the need to sign a striker of some characteristics.

Llorente meets that profile. First, it is amazing with his head, a rare commodity in the current Barça does not dominate the air. Second, because there are few strikers like riojano able to fix as well to opposing defenses. His height and build often forces have to be marked up to two plants. Few players move so well in the area as Llorente. (via SPORT)


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