Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The highest goal-scoring Barça in Club history

With 108 goals scored so far, Barça have broken their all-time goal-scoring record in La Liga, which was set at 105 goals in the 2008/09 season.

A total of 15 players have scored at least one goal in the team’s 108 haul.

It was one of the remaining objectives the team set for itself before the end of the Liga and this Wednesday they achieved it. With tonight’s four goals against Málaga, Barça have scored a total of 108 goals this season and beat the record they set in Guardiola’s first season on the Barça bench. The treble-winning Barça team scored 105 goals in 38 La Liga matches, with Eto’o as the team’s top scorer with 30 goals.

This year, with an insatiable Messi, Barça have scored 108 goals in 36 matches. It’s yet another example of the team’s capacity and attitude. Not counting Guardiola’s first and last seasons, only Bobby Robson’s Barça were able to break the century goal mark. It was in the 1996/97 season, Ronaldo was Barça’s target man, the team ended the season with 102 goals in 42 matches.

Guardiola’s team have notched up four of the best six goal marks in Club history in La Liga. In the 2009/10 season Barça scored 98 goals and in 2010/11, 95. Besides Robson’s Barça, only Herrera’s team is in the top-six ranking with 96 goals in 30 matches. It was in the 1958/59 season and Evaristo, with 20 goals, was the team’s top goal scorer.

A total of 15 players have scored at least one goal in the team’s overall 108. Messi has scored the most, with 46 goals, but we cannot overlook Alexis’ 12, Xavi’s 10 or Cesc’s 9. Furthermore, Perdo and Villa have scored five, Tello and Puyol, three. Alves, Piqué, Iniesta, Thiago, Keita and Cuenca all have two apiece. Adriano has scored one, Miranda and Robersio socred own goals. (via

[Barça's best goal-scoring season in La Liga]

2011/12 Season
108 goals in 36 matches

2008/09 Season
105 goals in 38 matches

1996/97 Season
102 goals in 42 matches

2009/10 Season
98 goals in 38 matches

1958/59 Season
96 goals in 30 matches


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