Can this be right? Britney Spears has supposedly asked Michael Jackson for parenting advice! You wouldn't exactly hold him in mind for this sort of thing. Britney thinks differently because 'Michael has managed to hang on to his children through a string of troubles.' He seems to think he could help her win full custody of her children. What she really needs is some proper, sound advice and then to follow it.
Wayne Rooney
The England footballer Wayne Rooney has been showing off his new tattoo. It's red, white and blue with an English red cross flag and the motto 'English and proud'.

Sam and Amanda, the twins from the UK Big Brother show are amazed that things from their rubbish bins has found its way onto eBay. Sam said, "My mum was looking on eBay when she found some of our stuff up for sale. I went to check if it was ours, and it was. I couldn't believe it. We'd thrown a few things out so I know for a fact that someone has been going through our rubbish." The man/woman selling the twins things, on eBay, goes under the name of Shelkeltre.
Emma Griffiths
Emma Griffiths has been named as a presenter for the UK I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here spin off Get Me Out Of Here Now. Not long to go now before this programme starts again.

Jonny Wilkinson is the main man after kicking England into the World Rugby Cup Final, being held next Saturday. This will be against South Africa, who will be favourites - but you never know!
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