Friday, October 31, 2008

Latest On Georgina Baillie and The Ross-Brand Saga

Georgina Baillie cage dancingThe Jonathan Ross / Russell Brand / Georgina Baillie saga rumbles on.

The latest repercussion is that Jonathan Ross has dropped out of presenting ITV's British Comedy Awards for which, it is reported, he was to be paid £100,000 (about $180,000).

His spokesperson said, "It's a show he very much enjoys being part of but would not want his participation in this year's event to take away from the awards themselves or the many talented winners of the awards."

ITV, in a statement replied, "We respect Jonathan's decision to stand down from the 2008 British Comedy Awards which has been made with the full support of ITV and the show's producers."

And what of Georgina Baillie, the probable winner, in this controversy?

According to the Guardian she will do an exclusive interview on Five in a documentary with the tasteful title Russell & Ross: What the F*** Was All That About?

It's interesting that she now has a publicist, the excellent Max Clifford, and that the documentary will also feature, 'previously unseen footage of Miss Baillie in action as she performs with her four-piece burlesque dance group, Satanic Sluts Extreme.'

You could ask, "What the F*** is that all about?"

Is that the sound of pound notes rustling?

See also:
And The Winner Is Georgina Baillie
Georgina Baillie Photos - Girl In Ross-Brand Controversy

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Colin Farrell Promoting Pride & Glory Yesterday

Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell, Pride and Glory
Colin Farrell in Paris, France yesterday doing promotional work for the movie Pride & Glory. The film is described as an 'authentic, gritty and emotional portrait of the New York City Police department.' Photo: WENN.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Sienna MillerSienna Miller
'A campaign of harassment' is how Sienna Miller's lawyers have described photographers, especially of one photo agency Big Pictures. Legal action is being taken against them by the actress on the grounds that they are guilty of an invasion of privacy and harassment.

It is claimed Sienna Miller has been caused, "Substantial alarm, fear and enormous distress." She has been chased when driving and there have allegedly been, "other forms of physical and verbal intimidation or abuse in their attempts to obtain photographs of her".

Big Pictures are contesting the allegations.

Leona Lewis
It is reported that Leona Lewis has been added to the list of singers to perform at the American Music Awards on November 23rd.

David Tennant
Doctor Who star David Tennant announced at last night's UK National Television Awards that his is quitting the show at the end of next year.

Trevor McDonald
UK's News At Ten newscaster is leaving the show next month. Mark Austin will take his place. Sir Trevor said, "I've tremendously enjoyed the opportunity to help re-establish News at Ten over the last year and to work alongside Julie Etchingham, who is a fantastically talented journalist, but I've made no secret of the fact that I cannot be in the presenter's chair forever."

Jackson Five
The Australian Associated Press reports that the Jackson Five, including Michael Jackson, are to reunite for a tour and album during 2009.

Noel Gallagher
That pillar of good taste Noel Gallagher has jumped to the defence of Russell Brand saying, "I spoke to Russell, he told me he was going to fall on his sword. Personally, I'm outraged that, yet again, the joyless f***ers who write the columns in (British newspapers) have dictated the tone and are telling people how to behave."

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Cheryl Cole Leaving Mr Chows This Morning

Cheryl Cole
Cheryl Cole at Mr Chows
Cheryl Cole looking fabulous as she leaves Mr. Chows restaurant in Knightsbridge, London in the early hours of this morning. Photo: Will Alexander/WENN

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And The Winner Is Georgina Baillie

The BBC director general has suspended both Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand over the Andrew Sachs prank phone calls. You can read Mark Thompson's official statement here.

So are there any winners? Probably Georgina Baillie, Sachs' granddaughter, who is now all over the headlines and has also told her story to the Sun.

Georgina Baillie, part if the Satanic SlutsGeorgina admits that she did sleep with Russell Brand but says she's 'utterly horrified and disgusted' at what has happened. Can't doubt her word, but this is a girl who tried out for Page 3 and is in a dance troupe called the Satanic Sluts. Some would say that their act is 'disgusting', see photo, but everything boils down to personal opinion.

The phone calls should never have been sanctioned to go on air, remember it was all pre-recorded. What was the producer thinking.

It's a prank which got out of hand. You can imagine how this happened. They try to phone Andrew Sachs for an interview but get no reply. Russell jokes that he had f***** Sachs granddaughter, which turns out to be true, and it all snowballed from there.

The BBC could have done a limitation exercise if they had handled the matter straight away instead of letting the saga run for 10 days. To my mind it has been blown up out of all proportion. There is a section of the media who would like to bring the BBC down and the BBC are stupidly allowing this to almost happen.

Photos of Georgina Baillie at - over 18's only.

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Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen At Book Signing

Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen
Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen - Olsen twins
The Olsen Twins, Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen on a book signing yesterday at Barnes & Noble, New York City. Their book is called Influence.

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Is Kerry Katona Heading For Problems Without Max Clifford

Kerry Katona on This MorningThe train cash that is Kerry Katona has sacked PR man Max Clifford who used to describe her as his adopted daughter.

Max said, "She has asked that I no longer represent her. Reluctantly I have agreed and I wish her all the health and happiness. I think the world of her and wish her every success."

Max CliffordThe split seems to have come about following Max talking about her in Heat magazine where he is quoted as having said, "All I can say is that from knowing Kerry as well as I do, I don't personally believe she is in a good place at the moment. What people who are around her tell me makes me increasingly worried. People around her are telling me that she is drinking more and more, earlier and earlier."

At the present time Kerry needs someone like Max to look after her. He maybe shouldn't have said what he did to the media but it was only the truth. Kerry is heading to destruction under the guidance of husband Mark.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Georgina Baillie Photos - Girl In Ross-Brand Controversy

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Peter Andre In Los Angeles Without Katie Price

Peter Andre
Peter Andre in Los Angeles
As the gossip persists about the state of their marriage Peter Andre is seen in Los Angeles while Kate Price stays home. Peter was spotted at Starbucks having a coffee before heading for his hotel.

Katie Price has been seen clubbing and has admitted that the couple seperated for a few days while in Australia. Rumours also say Peter left her for a couple of days more recently to give her a sharp shock. He doesn't like her morphing back into the clubbing partygoing, boozy Jordan of latter years and feels he can't trust her.

They recently took their marriage vows again in South Africe but this was no doubt really for the benefit of the photographers accompanying them. Photo: WENN

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Flowers And Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum spotted with her daughter Leni on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood. They were buying flowers. Photo: WENN

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Controversial Katy Perry Knife Photo

Katy Perry
Katy Perry spoon photo
But I do condone eating ice cream with a very large spoon

Katy Perry is getting some bad advice or perhaps it's just her naively trying to be funny. After the controversy of the photo of her posing with a flick knife (see here) - on the day of a teenager was stabbed to death in the UK - she has now posed for another photo.

This time the photo shows her with a spoon, instead of a knife, with the caption, 'But I do condone eating ice cream with a very large spoon.'

This has enraged a section of the public who have been effected by knife crime. A couple of examples:

The father of murdered model Sally Anne Bowman said, "MTV should pull this woman off air. She shouldn't be rewarded with an appearance before billions of youngsters. She's a bad role model."

The mother of Sylvia Lancaster, who was killed for being a Goth said, "It's tasteless. She shouldn't be allowed to perform in Liverpool considering that poor lad was stabbed to death only a few days ago."

And so it goes on ... there are times when it's best to remain quiet. There is nothing funny about knife crime. Perhaps Katy's promotional people don't realise this.

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Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace At The Apollo Cinema Today

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace at apollo cinema
Celebrity Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace spotted leaving the Apollo Cinema in London in the early hours of this morning. Photo: WENN.

Aisleyne, age 29, is an English glamour model and television personality. She gained celeb status after making third place in UK's 2006 Big Brother series.

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Kate Beckinsale On Hollywood Boulevard

Kate Beckinsale
Kate Beckinsale on Hollywood Boulevard
Kate Beckinsale spotted on Hollywood Boulevard buying Halloween items. She shopped at Outfiters and The Halloween Toys and Costumes store. Photo: BAC/WENN

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cheryl Cole Leaving Kitts Nighclub

Cheryl Cole
Cheryl Cole Kitts nightclub
Not sure if she's more known for Girls Aloud or X Factor nowadays but Cheryl Cole was in good form in the early hours of this morning as she left Kitts nightclub in London. Photo: WENN

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Jennifer HudsonJennifer Hudson
It is reported that the mother and brother of the actress Jennifer Hudson were found shot in the mother's home in Chicago. A seven year old boy is also missing. Police said about this, "A missing child was possibly abducted from the scene ... and may be in the company of William Balfour, a suspect in the double homicide investigation. He is considered armed and dangerous." Balfour is the estranged husband of Jennifer's sister, Julia.

Kerry Katona
Trouble rumbles on in the Kerry Katona household. This time she was blasted by Marilyn Croft, her mother-in-law, who states that Kerry and husband Mark are trying to make her bankrupt. This is over a sum of £3500 (about $6500) which Ms. Croft says was a gift but the couple say was a loan.

Miley Cyrus
The National Enquirer claims that 15 year old Miley Cyrus is living with her boyfriend Justin Gaston at the family home. Their source said, "Billy Ray wasn't born yesterday. He figures the safest path to take is to keep Miley and Justin on a short leash - and under the same roof."

Coleen RooneyColeen Rooney
There were shouts of disapproval from anti-fur protesters when Coleen Rooney attended the Cricket celebrity fashion show. Coleen was once spotted wearing Mukluk boots made of rabbit fur. When asked about this at the time she said naively, "Rabbits get killed for food, so why waste the skins."

Anne Hathaway
Raffaello Follieri, ex boyfriend of Anne Hathaway, pleaded guilty to 14 counts of wire fraud, conspiracy and money laundering. He was sentenced to 54 months in prison.

Mischa Barton
Following her split from rocker Taylor Locke last month Mischa Barton says she is learning to embrace life. Mischa said, "I'm not used to being single, but it's really nice. It's great, actually."Just embrace it. It's important to breathe for a minute."

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Jodie Marsh Nibbles on A Big Mac before An Orgy

Jodie Marsh
Jodie Marsh cleavage
It seems that the bountifully overflowing Jodie Marsh loves a Big Mac before an orgy.

After leaving the Funky Buddah nightclub the tastefully dressed Jodie Marsh grabbed a taxi with her girlfriends and hit that other top spot - McDonalds.

Munching on her high cuisine she then said she was going, "Back to mine for an orgy, no guys allowed." And with that her bouncing cleavage drove off into the night - she really ought to start wearing a vest, she'll catch her death dressed like that. Oh, and she's got a new haircut with a big 'N' shaved into one side. Photo: Will Alexander/WENN.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Katy Perry cleavageKaty Perry
An apology has been made on behalf of Katy Perry for the photograph showing her posing with a knife. Her publicist said, "The photo in question was taken in 2005 and is in no way related to the current events in the UK." So that makes the glorification of the knife culture okay then. Why didn't the publicist simply stop the photo being published in the first place? Ah, controversy and publicity - of course.

Catherine Zeta-Jones
The Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones is set to return to the theatre. She will star as Cleo in a period drama to be directed by Steven Soderbergh. This is a retelling of Cleopatra and Antony but set in the 1920's.

The Smiths
The Sun newspaper seems to think The Smiths may reunite for the Coachella music festival. This is despite Morrissey as having said, "I'd rather eat my own testicles than reform The Smiths - and that's saying something coming from a vegetarian." Principles sometimes go by the way if big money talks.

George Clooney
Gossip is that George Clooney is favourite to star in a remake of Hitchcock's classic film The Birds. he looks set to play the part of lawyer Mitch Brenner.

Kerry Katona slurred on This Morning showKerry Katona
The Iceland food store has confirmed that Kerry Katona is still under contract and will appear in their advertisements despite her controversial appearance on ITV1's This Morning show.

Angelina Jolie
She thinks that the kids will soon be asking as to why she and Brad Pitt aren't married. Angelina Jolie concedes that she may tie the knot with Brad to keep their children happy.

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Kelly Brook Dances Down The Street With Danny Cipriani

Kelly Brook and Danny Cipriani
Kelly Brook and Danny Cipriani
Loved up couple Kelly Brook and Danny Cipriani arriving back at her home after her performance in the play Fat Pig. Kelly was obviously on a performance high as she was skipping and dancing in the street until she saw photographers. She then tried to hide behind Danny who was carrying a pot of the very expensive Creme de La Mer face cream. Photo: Will Alexander/WENN.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Krista Allen Back With George Clooney

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Who Is Sasha Fierce Asks Beyonce

Beyonce - Sasha Fierce
So Beyonce Knowles would like to be known as Sasha Fierce - whatever, but that's what she has called her new double album - I Am ... Sasha Fierce.

Yea but why that name? Beyonce explained,
"I have someone else that takes over when it's time for me to work and when I'm on stage, this alter ego that I've created that kind of protects me and who I really am.

Sasha Fierce is the fun, more sensual, more aggressive, more outspoken side and more glamorous side that comes out when I'm working and when I'm on the stage."
So there you go!

She's also set up a MySpace page where it is asked 'Who is Sasha Fierce?' and there is a prize going of a 'personal message from Sasha Fierce' and also 'a gift bag valued at $500' - this will go to someone who gets the answer right!?

Her new album I Am ... Sasha Fierce will be in the USA on November 18th: Order in advance at at discount price.

Katie Price Plus Cleavage In The Early Hours Of This Morning

Katie Price cleavageKatie Price was on the lash until the early hours of this morning. The photo shows Katie leaving the Modiva nightclub in London clutching on to a golden model of the Eiffel Tower - as you do, no idea why.

She appeared as if she had managed to sink several alcoholic beverages. She looked worse for wear in other words. She was tastefully dressed as usual, with cleavage popping out but actually didn't seem to look quite as orange as usual. Photo: Will Alexander/WENN

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amanda Carraway Poses Nude For Playboy

Amanda CarrawayAmanda Carraway, wife of the Arizona Cardinal's Monty Beisel, is set to appear in nude photos for Playboy magazine.

Amanda was Miss Kansas USA 1999 but it is the link to the NFL linebacker that has made the Playboy photos suddenly newsworthy.

No doubt her 34D-25-35, 5'6" figure together with her blonde hair and blue eyes were also important factors for Playboy.

The couple have been married since 2006.

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Lindsey Evans Stripped Of Miss Louisiana Teen USA Crown

Lindsey Evans in bikini, Miss Louisiana teen USALindsey Evans, the 2008 Miss Louisiana Teen USA had a motto that said, "If you want the rainbow, you have to tolerate the rain." Well it's now raining on her parade!

Lindsey Evans has just been stripped of her title. As to the reason for this: it is alleged that she and three friends failed to pay a dinner bill, they just nipped off without paying.

But she's obviously hasn't much of a career ahead of her in crime as she left her purse behind. Lindsey then went back to the restaurant to pick it up. Daft in itself, but the police found marijuana in her bag as well as well as her driving licence.

So one not too bright, at least in a criminality sense, Miss Louisiana Teen USA lost her crown. Fortunately for organisers there was only 10 days left of her reign.

The pageant's sponsor's said, "Lindsey Evans has been part of an organization that believes in opportunities when earned and consequences when warranted. Due to recent circumstances, Lindsey has been relieved of her duties as Miss Louisiana Teen USA 2008 effective immediately."

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The Not So Glamorous Lisa Snowdon

Lisa Snowdon
Lisa Snowdon in the morning
She may be one of the glamour contestants on Strictly Come Dancing but Lisa Snowdon turned up for the Capital Breakfast Show not looking quite as she does when strutting her stuff - but it was 5.30 am. Photo: Will Alexander/WENN

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Peaches GeldofPeaches Geldof
Daughter of the 'saintly' Bob, Peaches Geldof, doesn't expect her marriage to last! She said, "I didn't go into it with Max thinking, 'This is going to last forever'. But I did go into it thinking, 'I love him right now and I know that I will continue to love him for a long while'." She went on to say, "You can't ignore divorce rates. Every friend of mine has parents who are now divorced." No wonder marriage isn't what it used to be.

And another celeb who knew her marriage wouldn't last is Pink. She said about her marriage to Carey Hart, which ended after just two years, "To be honest, even when he said yes I knew there was a little part of both of us that couldn't handle being married. We did it because we loved each other so much. We wanted to eat each other all the time we were together, but maybe marriage wasn't ever going to be our thing."

Gillian Anderson
Mark Griffiths
and Gillian Anderson have a new son named as Felix. he was born last week in London and clocked in at 6lbs 15 oz.

David Gest
According to the Southern Daily Echo David Gest has donated £3,000 to Millvina Dean the final remaining survivor of the Titanic. 96 year old Millvana recently had to sell her Titanic souvenirs to help pay nursing home fees. Gest is also supposedly getting celebrity friends such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Steven Seagal to also donate some money.

Anne PressleyAnne Pressley
KATV anchor Anne Pressley was found yesterday beaten up in her home. She was in a critical condition. It is not known at the present time why she was beaten and stabbed. The police spokesperson said, "It is possible that it is something other than robbery. Our detectives are talking with co-workers because she was a public figure, because she was on the news, in the media."

X Factor
Security is being tightened on the UK's X Factor show. It seems that a radical Islamic cleric, Omar Bakri, has criticised the show on a Muslim website. He is quoted as saying that, "Even watching the show – those people are committing a form, a type, of muadaat. And that action is a form of kufr [non-belief]." This is all caused through the release of a song in support of British troops in Afghanastan.

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Nadine Coyle and Jason Bell at London Hotel Today

Nadine Coyle and Jason Bell
Nadine Coyle and Jason bell
Nadine Coyle spotted with the American football player Jason Bell in the early hours of this morning, They were arriving at the Sanderson Hotel in London. Photo: WENN

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Is Paris Hilton About To Move To London, England?

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton in London
The photo shows Paris Hilton in the early hours of this morning leaving Mr Chows restaurant in London. She has been in the UK for several weeks and said about London, "I love it here, I am going to move here permanently. I have already been here a month and am much, much happier here."

She went on to say, "I love guys with English accents. I have met a really cute English guy, but it's early days."

So, will she really move to the UK? Time will tell. Photo: WENN

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Leona Lewis Joins Justin Timberlake and Friends

Leona Lewis
Leona Lewis
Leona Lewis at the after party for Justin Timberlake and Friends a special concert for Shriners Hospitals for Children held at the Prive nightclub, Las Vegas. Photo: Chris Connor / WENN

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Nelly Furtado marriedNelly Furtado
The pop star Nelly Furtado has confessed that she is actually married. She married Demacio Castellon this summer on July 19th. Nelly has a five year old daughter, Nevis, from a previous relationship.

Bruce Springsteen
At a fundraising event for Barrack Obama Bruce Springsteen has made fun of Sarah Palin -which isn't too difficult. Following a duet with Billy Joel he said, "Billy and I have rehearsed a little, but you have to consider this more like the vice presidential debate: you have to Palin-ise your expectations. We seem like we know a lot, but we don't really."

The dirt is starting to fly between Madonna and Guy Ritchie. She is building her divorce case and claims Guy said she looked like a granny compared to her backing dancers. The strong willed singer was supposedly hurt by this and similar put downs - but there, again she labelled him 'emotionally retarded.' Why would the couple want to do this? They are both rich, why not just split and retain their dignity. Pride, I suppose.

If you want to see the foul mouthed Noel Gallagher or just like Oasis tickets for their Millennium Stadium gig on June 12th next year will go on sale next Friday. Info on 0844 412 4638.

Louis Walsh
UK X Factor judge has had to retract his claim that Dannii Minogue will be axed from the show next year. He said, "That was just me trying to be funny. It was a joke!" He's a laugh a minute.

Brad Pitt and Angelina JolieBrad Pitt
It is rumoured that Brad Pitt will star in a film of Homer's The Odyssey - but set in outer space! Producers want to give the classic story a modern theme.

Levi Stubbs
The lead singer of Motown's The Four Tops has died, aged 72, at his home in Detroit. The group signed for Motown Records in 1963 and had twenty Top 40 hits over a ten year period. Levi had suffered ill health for several years.

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Christina Aguilera And Her Naughty Moves

Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera cleavage
Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman at the L'Atelier restaurant in London. She seems to have got her figure back following the birth of Max in January.

Regarding her raunchy performance at the Royal Albert Hall Christina said, "If there's a naughty move her and there so be it. It's part of who I am and sexuality has always been something that I loved to express and be proud of." Photo: WENN

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Rachelle Leah Nude For Playboy

Rachelle Leah Playboy Photo
Rachelle Leah Playboy photo
The American model and television celebrity presenter, Rachelle, Leah has bared all for the November issue of Playboy magazine. So why did she do it? This is what she said:
"The main reason I did it was because to be on the cover of Playboy is a huge honour.

And I'm open-minded — I'm not the type of girl that's like 'oh my God, you should never be nude'.

But I am the type of girl that says you should never be nude if it's not done right, but I knew that it was going to be done right."
Photo: Playboy

Below is a video from her Playboy photo shoot.

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Mario Marconi's Eyes Glued To Lisa Appleton's Cleavage

Lisa Appleton and Mario Marconi
Mario Marconi, Lisa Appleton and her cleavage
The UK Big Brother 9 couple Lisa Appleton and the smug Mario Marconi at London's Embassy club last night along with fellow BB housemate Mikey wearing his kilt.

Mario's eyes seemed glued to Lisa's impressive cleavage, but he did help pay for it! Photo: WENN

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Celebrity News Snippits

Nicole ScherzingerNicole Scherzinger
the Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger doesn't reckon she's sexy and said, "No one hits on me. I don't see myself as sexy. I'm the biggest nerd I know." Do you think she just wants us to say, "Oh yes your are." Wonder what Lewis Hamilton thinks?

Leona Lewis
The Mobo Awards gave Leona Lewis two awards for best album and video. She didn't turn up to accept them herself, as she was touring, and was booed by sections of the audience. An acceptance video wasn't thought of as acceptable - yea, but you can't be in two places at once.

Konnie Huq
Ex-Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq was taking tea with the Queen yesterday at Buckingham Palace along with all of the other ex-presenters. It was to celebrate the show's 50th anniversary. Photos here.

On the same day as her divorce was announced Madonna still took to the stage in Boston as part of her world tour. Madonna and Guy Ritchie have both requested that 'the media maintain respect for their family at this difficult time.' Fat chance of that happening.

David Duchovny
After finishing his sex addiction treatment David Duchovny has separated from his wife Tea Leoni. They have two children and had hoped to keep their split private.

Rolf Harris
78 year old Rolf Harris has dusted himself off and has re-recorded his 1969 hit Two Little Boys with the help of a Welsh male voice choir. It will be released as a single on 10th of November.

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Danielle Lloyd At The Mobo Awards

Danielle Lloyd
Danielle Lloyd cleavage
An orange coloured Danielle Lloyd with obligatory cleavage last night at the Mobo Awards in London. Photo: WENN

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Madonna And Guy Ritchie To Divorce

Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorceThe big story of the day is obviously the so called 'imminent' divorce of Madonna and Guy Ritchie though, at the time of writing this, there is no official confirmation from the couple.

The UK tabloid the Sun broke the news today though another tabloid the Daily Mirror say they were first with the news three months ago!

Rumours and gossip have been around for months and it does appear that they have tried their best to mend their marriage.

The more upmarket Times considers the question of where Madonna should file the divorce. Should it be in the UK or New York to get the best settlement? There was no pre-nuptial agreement when they married.

Of course they may just agree terms. Madonna is by far the wealthiest but Ritchie isn't exactly a pauper. After a certain level of money it does become quite meaningless other than as a set of figures.

According to a source of the Sun, "... she (Madonna) and Brit movie director Guy, 40, want a divorce finalised before Christmas — which would have seen the eighth anniversary of their fairytale wedding in a Scottish castle." Time will tell.

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Ekaterina Ivanova And Ronnie Wood Walking The Dog

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