Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And The Winner Is Georgina Baillie

The BBC director general has suspended both Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand over the Andrew Sachs prank phone calls. You can read Mark Thompson's official statement here.

So are there any winners? Probably Georgina Baillie, Sachs' granddaughter, who is now all over the headlines and has also told her story to the Sun.

Georgina Baillie, part if the Satanic SlutsGeorgina admits that she did sleep with Russell Brand but says she's 'utterly horrified and disgusted' at what has happened. Can't doubt her word, but this is a girl who tried out for Page 3 and is in a dance troupe called the Satanic Sluts. Some would say that their act is 'disgusting', see photo, but everything boils down to personal opinion.

The phone calls should never have been sanctioned to go on air, remember it was all pre-recorded. What was the producer thinking.

It's a prank which got out of hand. You can imagine how this happened. They try to phone Andrew Sachs for an interview but get no reply. Russell jokes that he had f***** Sachs granddaughter, which turns out to be true, and it all snowballed from there.

The BBC could have done a limitation exercise if they had handled the matter straight away instead of letting the saga run for 10 days. To my mind it has been blown up out of all proportion. There is a section of the media who would like to bring the BBC down and the BBC are stupidly allowing this to almost happen.

Photos of Georgina Baillie at - over 18's only.

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