Sunday, October 14, 2007

Susie Scott Krabacher A Playboy Success Story

Susie Scott Krabacher back in May 1983It's great to see that there can be 'real' life after being a Playboy centerfold.

Take the case of Susie Scott Krabacher who was the Playboy centerfold in May 1983. She has gone on to do wonderful things helping Haitian children. Susie writes:

Susie Scott Krabacher today"The children of Haiti are dying at an alarming rate. The diseases that kill them, the starvation, malnutrition and dehydration show no mercy to these children. I find these children in such despair, with so little hope and life. To save all of them would be impossible, but that is my goal. Every day this foundation tries to impact the lives of the children of Haiti, to save them from certain death and to give them hope for the future.

Joe and I started the
Mercy & Sharing Foundation not as a means of providing charity, but opportunity. To give the forgotten children of Haiti a chance to thrive and become the saviours of their own country. Our goal is to empower them with education and love so they can pass it on. Please help us to help these children. Those who say you cannot save the world are wrong. We do it every day, one child at a time, with the help of our most powerful God, and all those who dedicate their love, time and effort!"

Susie Scott Krabacher is a real celebrity. Take notice the likes of Britney Spears et al.

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