Goldenballs, sometimes known as David Beckham, is to stop being a hair trendsetter. Why? He says it's because he's starting to go grey (and also a bit thin on top but he doesn't admit this!) He reckons if George Clooney can look good with his colour then so can he.
Gordon Ramsay
How to endear yourself to the French the Gordon Ramsay way. Gordon told Jay Leno on his Tonight show, "The French are so difficult. And they really do have bad breath. It's disgusting. I had a French girlfriend. It was like going to bed with a rottweiler on your chest." And to think he actually lived in France for three years!
Paul McCartney
He says he's going through hell - Paul McCartney that is and all because of Heather. Paul said of the impending divorce and the rift about how much money Heather gets, "Going through Divorce is a very painful thing. As Winston Churchill once said, 'If you are going through hell, keep going!' The only solution is to remain dignified." At least he's got £850 ($1700) million to help him get through his hell. There are probably one or two people, Paul, who are really having difficult times.
Jeremy Clarkson
Top Gear show Jeremy Clarkson and his sidekick James May have upset a few people. Nothing new there then. This time it's because they smoked pipes throughout their programme. Of course they weren't ordinary pipes, these were Porsche pipes. Smoking group ASH said, "It is inappropriate to have people smoking and breaking the law so blatantly as they did. If it was really necessary for them to smoke, they could have done the filming outside."
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