Saturday, October 13, 2007

Video de Noelia Back On Top

Noelia sex video back to being top searchIt's strange how the same stories keep returning. At the moment the most searched item on Technorati is once again Noelia.

As regular readers will know we first mentioned Noelia back in June. For those who may have come late to the story she is a Puerto Rican pop singer who was virtually unknown outside of the Spanish speaking world. But then, in June, her name became infamous because of a sex video, the video de Noelia.

It's then a familiar story and, following in the footsteps of Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and so on, she got the publicity needed to spread her wings, so to speak.

All at once everyone was interested in Noelia. So much so that she appeared in Maxim magazine and, of course, CD's appeared of her singing in English as opposed to her own Spanish language. You can't beat a 'good' sex video if you want to become a celebrity and very famous!

Here are previous posts about Noelia:
The Noelia Sex Video
More On Noelia And That Sex Tape
Noelia Video (not the sex tape)
Noelia Hot Sex Video Buzz

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