Monday, February 2, 2009

Demi Moore Twitters Her Noisy Dispute

Demi Moore and Ashton KutcherDemi Moore has Twittered herself into a war of words with a neighbour. Both she and husband Ashton Kutcher both complained on the Internet about construction work being done by screenwriter Bruce Goldsmith.

Demi wrote on Twitter, 'The neighbour doing construction with 6 guys pounding hammers against steel at 7am is no way to wake up!' Ashton, however, was a tad stronger and posted, 'I'm gonna kill my neighbour!'

This somewhat annoyed Goldsmith but Demi reckons it wasn't meant in a nasty way. She said, "We're big fans of Twitter. We're addicted. It was in good humour, wasn't meant in any way to be mean-spirited." Kutcher has apologised for airing his grievances to the Internet.

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