Thursday, June 28, 2007

Celebrity Quick Snippits

Charley Uchea in bikiniCharley Uchea & Big Brother
About Big Brother we wrote yesterday, "Was there a bit of a fiddle going on, by the programme makers, so that Charley Uchea wasn't nominated? They no doubt want to keep her in the house for a little longer, it would be dull without her."

Today the Daily Star catches up with our news! On their front page they have a banner declaring: 'BB Fix It For Charley To Stay In House' Nice to know we got the story first!

Michael Parkinson Leaves Talk Show
Chat show host Michael Parkinson is now stepping down as UK chat show king. He's reached the age of 72 and has decided to take time out to write his memoirs. What a book that should be. Michael has interviewed all of the biggest names over the last 30 years. Just a few include: John Lennon, George Best, Orson Welles, Miss Piggy, Muhammad Ali, Princess Anne, Woody Allen, The Beckhams, Meg Ryan, Tom Cruise, Tony Blair and so and so on.

Spice Girls in the 90'sThe Spice Girls Are Back!
As we have previously said the Spice Girls are getting back together - don't groan! They have announced today that they will be doing a world tour.

At the time, mid 90's, they were one of the biggest groups around. They were right, with their Girl Power, for that particular era - see photo on left.

There are now worries, however, about their vocal ability (wasn't there always?) and computers have been brought in to assist the girls. They will be able to 'sing' live but the computer can automatically adjust any flat or bum notes. Should be a busy computer but at least they won't have to mime on stage. Their spoksman would only say, "They all have great singing voices." Suppose he would have to say that!

Chantelle & Preston Split
Chantelle HoughtonChantelle Houghton and Preston (real name Samuel Preston), from UK Big Brother 7, are going to split up after only ten months of marriage. Chantelle was originally a Paris Hilton lookalike but she doesn't have the art of keeping in the limelight. Perhaps she should try a stretch in jail! As the fame of Chantelle and Preston has dwindled so has their love - ahhhh! At least they made a couple of million on the way up.


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