Monday, June 4, 2007

Charley Uchea Favourite For Eviction

Charley Uchea hit Big Brother initially with high hopes of cashing in on her cousin's name - Kieran Richardson of Manchester United - see below. But things are now all going pear shaped for ex-lap dancer Charley Uchea. She is now 8/11 on to become the first Big Brother housemate to be evicted.

The problem is her manner and her almost laughable 'am I bovvered' type comments on last night's Big Brother. So will Charley Uchea be Big Brother's first eviction. Personally I don't think so.

Let's keep her in the house to annoy everyone and 'enjoy' her tales about her relationships with various footballers. There's some good entertainment mileage left in Charley.


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