Monday, June 4, 2007

Paris Hilton Goes To Prison

Paris Hilton released after she turned herself in This is the photo of Paris Hilton after she had turned herself in at the Century Regional Detention Facility. A slightly more refined picture than some of her exotic, nearly nude photos - sample below. Wonder what look you prefer!

I'm sure we are all aware that Paris Hilton is expected to serve around twenty-three days for violating her probation in an alcohol related driving case.

Paris Hilton nearly nudePrior to turning herself in, however, in true Paris fashion, she was on the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards. Unfortunately for her she was the butt of many jokes during the ceromony. The crowd cheered at the mention of her pending imprisonment and she looked quite pissed off about this.

The main topic of conversation amongst inmates at the prison is as to whether Paris Hilton has ever 'been' with another woman. As one of the prisoner's said, "If she has not been with another woman before her prison stay, she will by the time she leaves." That must be something for her to look foward to!


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