Thursday, June 7, 2007

Charley Uchea In Tears Over Emily Eviction

Emily Parr Big BrotherCharley Uchea, the UK Big Brother housemate, is becoming a celebrity whether we like it or not. She was in tears today when she and the other BB 'inmates' were read a statement stating that Emily Parr had been evicted from the house without their knowledge.

The reason for this eviction? Another race row. It appears that Emily called Charley Uchea a nigger. The bosses of Channel 4 took immediate action and Emily had to go. It was generally accepted, though, that the word was said "carelessly rather than maliciously" but there was no alternative other than to evict the offender. The Commission for Racial Equality is quoted as saying: "Whichever way you look at it, the 'N' word is clearly offensive. We're relieved that Channel 4 has acted quickly."

Charley Uchea Big BrotherThis time it's good to see that the BB bosses have taken appropriate action without letting the situation get out of control.

Charley Uchea broke down in tears as the statement regarding Emily was read out to the Big brother contestants.


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