Mel C of the Spice Girls has admitted that the five girls are planning a get together. There have been rumours that they may perform at the Princess Diana memorial concert. Mel C wouldn't confirm this.
Connie Talbot, the six year old girl who was one of the runners up to Paul Potts in the Britain's Got Talent television show, is set to get a record deal. That guy Simon Cowell again?
Bernard Manning, the comedian, died two days ago and many of his, sometimes not very PC, jokes have been circulating. Here's one: "I went to see Pavarotti sing last week. Terrible, miserable man. He doesn't like you joining in, does he?"
Bruce Willis says, "I would really love a son, or two sons, or three more girls." His handicap is that he hasn't anyone in mind to be the mother. He's not too concerned by this. 52 year old Bruce said, "That's the good thing about being a guy - it doesn't matter how old you are."
Charley Uchea's cousin, Kieran Richardson the Manchester United football star, is quoted as saying that he doesn't want anything to do with her following her appearance on Big Brother. He's upset at references to himself, her bitchiness and her boasting about goings on with other footballers. Charley is still hanging in there on the BB program. She can't be voted out again this week.

Danielle Lloyd was spotted at Ascot races yesterday, hopefully not dressed as in the photo below! And to think she was supposed to be conquering the USA - you have to smile! Dream on Danielle.

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