Saturday, November 8, 2008

Apology Is Made To Georgina Baillie And Andrew Sachs

Georgina BaillieThe Russell Brand - Jonathan Ross controversy has rumbled on far too long but at long last BBC Radio 2 has issued an apology.

The BBC apology.
"On 18 October, the BBC broadcast an exchange between Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross on the Russell Brand show on Radio 2.

This concerned the actor Andrew Sachs and his granddaughter, Georgina Baillie.

Some of this exchange was left on the voicemail of Mr Sachs.

Russell BrandThe conversation was grossly offensive and an unacceptable intrusion into the private lives of both Mr Sachs and Ms Baillie.

It was a serious breach of editorial standards, and should never have been recorded or broadcast.

The BBC would like to apologise unreservedly to Mr Sachs, Ms Baillie and to our audiences as licence fee payers."
See all Georgina Baillie posts.

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