Monday, July 30, 2007

Charley Uchea Had Sex With Premiership Footballer

Charley Uchea Well she's out of the Big Brother house and Charley Uchea is starting to cash in on her new found 'fame'. She's ready to dish the dirt.

Straight away, in the Daily Star, she's telling how she has bedded a Premier League footballer. At the moment, though, she won't say who it is but is happy to say who it isn't! I guess we could all list people we haven't been to bed with.

Charley Uchea pictureCharley Uchea reckons her cousin, Kieran Richardson (who she manages to drag into every conversation), would go mad if he knew who this player was. For more dramatic effect she says, "All hell will break loose if his name ever slips out." Wonder what the price is?

Of her possible replacements in the Big Brother house Charley said, "I have just seen photos of the new people like David and Jonty. They are not what I call good lookers. No-one will want sex with them. And the show's gonna suffer without me in it. It was The Charley Show, after all."

One day Charley Uchea will come crashing down from the high level she believes she's at - but she'll make a heap of cash first.

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