Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Christie Prody Shows Off Her OJ Appeal

Christie Prody cleavageWe are sure you have all read about the OJ Simpson case, we won't go into all of that, instead here's a photo of the well developed Christie Prody, who is OJ's girlfriend.

They've had there ups and downs over the years. There was the case of her cat, for example!

The cat died but the police said that Simpson, 'was not involved.' This was back in 2002. It seems Christie Prody went out of town for a month and her cat, 'probably starved to death.' She was cited for one count of animal cruelty.

What with their relationship hitting the headlines way back in 2000 for the wrong reasons (Prody allegedly kicked and slapped the former actor but he refused to press charges) it's a wonder they are still together, well sort of.

Guess they both have assets that must appeal to one another.

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