Monday, September 24, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Had Sex In Rehab Toilet

Lindsay Lohan - sex in toiletLindsay Lohan has been named in the divorce proceedings of a UK heiress. Stephanie Allen, whose family is worth around £750 ($1500) million, claims Lindsay Lohan had sex with her musician husband in the toilet at a rehab clinic.

The divorce proceedings (all 50+ pages) were filed in Chatham County Court in Savannah, Georgia. It is alleged that Lindsay Lohan and Tony Allen formed a sexual relationship while they were both on rehab.

Stephanie Allen is quoted as saying, "My husband entered a drug rehabilitation centre in Utah on or about July 11, 2007. After my husband's return from said rehabilitation I was bombarded by telephone call alerting me to the fact that my husband's conduct with another woman was on the Internet and in gossip magazines."

When asked if he had sex with Lindsay Lohan by friends he is reported as replying, "C'mon, it's Lindsay Lohan. Hell, yes! Wouldn't you?"

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