Saturday, September 8, 2007

Exclusive: Sarah Larson's Ex Boyfriend Contacts Celebrity Insider

Sarah LarsonFollowing our post Exclusive - Was Sarah Larson A Go Go Dancer? we had the following response from Pizza T who says he dated Sarah Larson for six years.

Make of it what you will. At the moment we can't confirm it's authenticity.

"I dated Sarah for 6 years. I know thats her in both pictures for a fact. And she aint a go-go dancer. She got her BA and I think a BS from Evergreen. I thought she was going to Basteir College. But everyone takes time off from college, well a lot do.

She actually was in a short film I made in 1997 called Thomas Jackson. I got the unedited tapes at home. But no one gets to see those.

I just got back from tour with my band Z Kamp. Sarah was a Z Kamp fan, actually it was Z Camp back then. Whats weird is, I was just thinking about George Clooney while on tour. What I was thinking about I cannot say right now, but man is this some weird stuff. Sarah and I left on good terms. She went from Phish shows and Hemp, to Diamonds and Pearls ... thats awesome."

More about Z Kamp here.

For those who do not know of Sarah Larson she is the new girlfriend of George Clooney.

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