Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sarah Larson : Is This The Look Of Love?

Has Sarah Larson the look of love in her eyes as she gazes at George Clooney? Judge for yourself in the snatched photos below.

We have been following the Sarah Larson story since the news first broke in early September. See all of the posts listed below that tell the full story, with photos, since we broke the news of Sarah's Go Go Girl connection.

Sarah Larson looks lovingly at George Clooney
Sarah Larson and George Clooney
Sarah Larson and George Clooney
Sept 5 Exclusive: Was Sarah Larson A Go Go Dancer
Sept 7 More Information About Sarah Larson
Sept 8 Exclusive: Sara Larson's Ex Boyfriend Contacts Celebrity Insider
Sept 9 Photos Of Sarah Larson before She Met George Clooney
Sept 22 George Clooney And Sarah Larson In Accident
Sept 25 Sarah Larson On Crutches

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