This is what Sarai Givati had to say, in her own words:
I didn't want to talk about this for so long, but I feel enough time has passed to set the record straight. I was shocked at the impact this whole episode had on me and sad that I was blamed for the split.
No one can steal someone else – people aren't suitcases. This mistake has haunted me for a long time. I didn't steal anyone's man and to be labelled as the girl who caused the break-up just isn't fair.'
I'm a free spirit, Olivier and I are very similar We live in the moment and make no plans, and I think that's why we got on so well.
We had a relationship, but there was no lying on his part. To my knowledge – and I believe him – there was no overlap between him seeing Kylie and then seeing me. I started seeing Olivier after he had split from Kylie and there was no reason to believe otherwise.

Looking back now, because of all the hurtful things said about me, I would maybe have wanted more time between the end of their relationship and the beginning of ours because it wasn't easy for me having people think that I split them up.'
Everyone assumed we were seeing each other when we were photographed together in Paris last November, but we were just friends then. We were both in relationships at the time so we felt it was OK to be with other friends because you know there's nothing going on.
Also, Olivier is well-known in Paris, so if we'd been trying to keep something secret, it would have been impossible. It's not like we were in a Third World country or anything.'
Olivier and I both knew we were seeing other people. I talked about my boyfriend and Olivier talked about his girlfriend. I didn't realise his girlfriend was Kylie Minogue until December when I read it in the paper – then I thought, "Oh, I love Kylie, I have her CDs and she's got a great voice".

I was quoted as saying that we spent "three wonderful days and nights together", but that never came from my mouth. I didn't stay with Olivier, but in a hotel.'
When I started reading all the stuff about Olivier two-timing Kylie with me, I didn't take it seriously. But it did upset me to have that said about me.
I told Olivier that it was hard to be blamed for all this stuff. He said, "Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong. It'll go away."
It was hurtful to my family to have to have to deal with the drama, but I explained I wasn't doing anything wrong and they stood by me.
But it was hard because I had to change my schedules to get away from the Press, and I had to be careful to look nice and not look like a bum when the photographers were around. But I never doubted that Olivier was being honest with me.
Sarai Givati was born in Tiberias, Israel on June 24, 1982.
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