Why? Because she looked too sexy in her halter top when taking a flight between Las Vegas and Burbank. A flight attendant offered her a blanket to cover herself with just in case any of the other passengers may be offended.
You've got to smile!

It seems that low tops and short skirts aren't deemed suitable by Southwest Airlines. The Kyla Ebbert photo shows her wearing the offending garments.
The airline stated, "When a concern is brought to our employees' attention, we address that situation directly with the customer involved in a discrete and professional manner."
But Setara Qassim makes a good point in response to this. Her answer is, "If an airline wants to enforce a dress code, it should post some specifics and it shouldn't be just the flight attendants deciding on their own whether you're lewd and offensive or not."

Unless, of course, you want some publicity and a little notoriety and be seen worldwide - perish the thought!
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