The two sticking plasters below Nikki Grahame's bikini top - unfortunate place to get stung or cut - or perhaps there is another reason! Photo on right.
Billie Piper
Billie Piper has been telling how she got sex tips from hookers for her part in a new UK television drama, Secret Diary Of A Call Girl.
Billie says, "This is the story of a witty, well educated girl who enjoys sex and being paid lots of money for it. She is very cultured, well read and strong."
When asked if it would help her own love life she blushed and said, "I'd be too embarrassed to perform some of the acts for my boyfriend."
Britney Spears
Britney Spears has asked for another chance to perform after her disastrous attempt at the MTV Awards. She wants to appear at the Emmy awards to make an apology. A spokesperson said, "Britney is negotiating to appear at the ceremony but nothing has been confirmed. She is weighing up the offer."
Chris Langham
58 year old comedy actor and writer Chris Langham could be out of prison within five months following his trial and guilty verdict. That surely doesn't seem right after the awful stuff found on his computer.

A quote from Paris Hilton: 'I hired a French teacher because I know they all speak it in Europe and I don't want to talk nonsense when I'm there.' You'll be really welcome speaking French in England, Italy, Spain and ... Nope, more people are likely to understand English than Francais.
Karla Knafel
Included the following purely because it seems to have surfaced once again on the search engines:

The affair with Karla supposedly broke up two years later and it is said that she was paid $250,000 to keep her mouth closed - regarding the affair, that is. Jordan has admitted the affair.
So you would think that would be it, but it never is when celebrities earn such massive money.
The story is that Karla Knafel wants $5 million - don't we all! But Ms. Knafel says this amount was promised to her, by Jordan, as hush money and also, and this is the clincher, for the son he allegedly had with her.
Karla Knafel previously said, "I am saddened and shocked by the recent turn of ugly events when Michael decided that he needed to sue me by falsely claiming that I have attempted to extort him into paying the amount he owes me under our contract. I have honored our contract for the past several years by remaining publicly silent about our love affair while he apparently had no intention of keeping his promise to me."
Jordan wasn't the father, by the way. So why is the story being searched again now? Any U.S. readers know?
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