Monday, July 9, 2007

Alleged Texts Sent By Brian Urlacher To Tyna Robertson

It's always a shame when the parents of a child don't get on and even more so when things get nasty. This seems now to be the situation between Brian Urlacher, the Chicago Bears linebacker, and the mother of his child, Kennedy, Tyna Robertson.

They are both battling away wanting custody of their child, who is now aged two. Tyna Robertson claims that Brian Urlacher has sent her around thirty nasty texts. Allegedly some of them read:

"Go to hell you f------ ----."
"Grow the f--- up and quit praying and get a job."
"You're a f------ fruit cake."
"Your raising a little p---y."

Ms. Roberston also claims that Urlacher has called her a 'jealous bitch' and a 'hooker'

Brian Urlacher's lawyer has said, "It is our past experience that much of what she claims is self-serving fiction"

Tyna has had problems in the past when she accused Michael Flatley of raping her. The case was flung out and now Flatley is suing Robertson for 'extortion and defamation.'

The story regarding Robertson, a former stripper, and Urlacher is that they had a one night fling which resulted in their son. At the same time, however, Brian's ex-wife. Laura, was also pregnant with their second child. What a complicated life! You can read that full story on Sports Illustrated.

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