In the UK Rebecca Loos surfaces once more to talk about her affair with David Beckham. Victoria said how it actually made their marriage stronger. Rebecca Loos has honed in on this statement and now says, "I saved the Beckhams' marriage."
Rebecca has told newspapers that back in 2004 she and David had secrets romps in Madrid because he was lonely without Posh Spice by his side after moving to Spain.
You have to smile at her cheek. She told the Daily Star about her affair: "David is the only one to blame - not me and not Victoria Beckham. He knew what he was doing when he seduced me. He was married, he stood there and made those marriage vows. It was all down to him."
Seduced her - huh! This is the woman who does topless pics, sold her story and knew David was married. She could have said no.
In the interview she mentioned that she hadn't had sex since April and went on to say, "And it's not the longest I've been without sex - seven months was my record." What a heroine she is.
Any married superstars reading this will now know where to head if they want their marriage saved!
Further info on Rebecca:
Rebecca Loos Official Website
Rebecca Loos Survivor of Supervivientes
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