Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nicole Richie Facing Jail Sentence

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden Yet another celebrity arrested for driving under the influence of drugs and facing jail. This time it's Nicole Richie, the daughter of Lionel Richie.

The photo shows Nicole Richie and her boyfriend Joel Madden attending the court appearance at Glendale Superior Court in Glendale, California yesterday.

Nicole co-stars with that other jail bird Paris Hilton in the reality series The Simple Life.

Yesterday though she was sentenced to four days in jail and has to serve her time prior to September 28th. She a was also fined $2,048 and placed on 3 years probation and was ordered to enrol in a court-supervised rehabilitation program for two-time offenders.

Nicole Richie was stopped by police on December 11th after she was seen driving the wrong way on a Los Angeles motorway. She then failed a sobriety test and admitted that she had smoked marijuana and taken a painkiller, Vicodin.

It is rumoured that Nicole is three months pregnant.

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