Thursday, July 12, 2007

Amy Polumbo, Miss New Jersey, Photos - Judge For Yourself

What was the fuss all about? Some of the photos of Amy Polumbo, Miss New Jersey, with which she was supposedly being blackmailed have been released. Here are the 'worst' two photos so you can judge for yourself.

Amy Polumbo photo
Miss New Jersey photo
Surely these are simply photos of Amy Polumbo behaving like any normal young woman. She's having a laugh and fun with friends. How could anyone possibly blackmail her with these? I suppose they may be considered a little embarrassing but they weren't meant for general public consumption.

Even if there were captions attached, she didn't do these herself. And remember the photos above are the 'worst' photos. What's that expression about making a mountain out of a molehill?

Still, there's been plenty of publicity and it's said all publicity is good publicity. Enough said.

See previous Amy Polumbo, Miss New Jersey posts

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